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After spending a while processing the news, Bill asked everyone to meet us in half an hour.

Beverly was first to arrive.

"What's wrong?", She asked in pure panic.

"We should wait for everyone...", I sighed.

Rather quickly, the rest of them were pretty fast.

Surprisingly, all of 8 us got in the room.

"I'm moving...", I whispered.

Everyone went dead silent.

"For how long?", Stan gasped.

"I-I don't know..."

"Why?", Mike mumbled.

"Mom punched Belch, someone called the police", I sighed, disappointed but not surprised, "we're moving to Indiana in a week..."

All of them looked miserable but the look on Bill's face was heartbreaking.
Beverly looked like she was swallowed something bitter.

"But I've decided not to be depressed and instead make the most out of my time left here", I said, determined.

"That's the spirit!", Cheered Richie.


In that following week, I had the best time of my life. It seemed like the rules didn't apply to us. We were truly living in the moment. To sum it up, we all jumped simultaneously from the cliff into the water, got a wicked tan, Bev and I convinced the boys to have a spa day (I will never forget how Mike looks with lipstick on).

We managed to take Richie's dad's truck for a drive without him realizing, graffitied inside jokes on abandoned buildings, had a movie marathon.

And my personal favourite was when we snuck into this stranger named Ellie's bar mitzvah and got completely wasted. Let's just say that Ellie's parents weren't too happy when Richie karaoked to 'Love Shack' in his underwear. We were instantly kicked out but it was worth it.

Inevitably, moving day came around. As Belch and I lifted our boxes into the car, the losers were crowded around the house.

Belch walked towards the 8 of us and scratched his neck nervously.

"I just wanted to say sorry...about everything we've done to you guys. I know Henry's sorry too but he'll never admit it", Belch apologized.

We smiled in shock. He turned back to get the rest of his boxes. It was time to say good-bye.

I pursed my lips and kissed mom on the cheek. She smiled apologetically at me. I knew she was sorry...

I hugged Eddie first, "Stay out of trouble", he said.

"It was a privilege to meet you", Ben said as he kissed my hand making me giggle.

"It's gonna be hard balancing all this testosterone without you", Beverly smiled as she hugged me.
"At least you have Richie", I giggled.

"Hey!", He pouted playfully.

"It's gonna suck without you", Mike smiled.

"Hope I see ya soon", Stan high-fived me.

"Ignore what Eds said. Adios, Bitchacho!", Richie laughed as he squeezed me tightly.

Last was Bill. The hardest to say goodbye to. Everyone looked sad but Bill's miserable smile was heartbreaking. My stomach clenched.

He jumped towards me and kissed me sweetly. I could feel his lips smile against mine. I ruffled his hair with my hands.

"A year ago, I never would've thought we'd be together. But, even though this hurts like hell, I've never regretted meeting you", he managed to say without a stutter as his eyes got glossy.

I hugged him one final time, he put his hand in my jean's back pocket.

"I love you", I whispered into his shoulder.

"I love you"

"We're ready", Mrs Walker, our adoptive mother said, as her husband started the car. They were the sweetest people I had ever met, after the losers of course.

I turned back to Bill, to get one last look at his face. I wiped a tear of his cheek.

"Goodbye, everyone", I said one final time.

They waved as I closed the car door. Belch looked excited to leave.

I was looking for some gum in my pocket when I found a letter.

"Dear Y/n,
I hope you know that I'll miss you. We all will. It's definitely gonna take me some time to get over you. You are my first love. And when someone will mention your name or talk about romance, my mind will race to you. I hope we see eachother again. Thanks to Stan, I'll still have pictures of you. Of your laugh, your smile, your eyes and lips. I'll still remember you. How could I not? Okay I'm crying now so I'll wrap this up...I love you. You changed my life and the way I see the world.

I love you

Bill Denbrough <3"

A tear fell on the paper. I folded it away cautiously.

"Are you ready for a fresh start?", Mr Walker chimed gleefully from the front seat.

Was I? More than ever. The losers will always be a part of me. But I was ready for my new life.

"Sure am", Belch and I agreed.

Mrs Walker smiled, "Don't worry... You'll love Hawkins"


Bill Denbrough x reader: Bitter SweetWhere stories live. Discover now