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Shigaraki entered the bar to see Kurogiri teaching Izuku how to make pancakes. Izuku had flour all over his new hoodie that he bought him, though he didn't seem to mind as a grin was still adorn his lips as Kurogiri added red food dye to the batter. Izuku mixed the colour in as Kurogiri kept a firm grasp on the bowl, not wanting to anymore mess. An amused smirk formed on his drt lips as he walked further into the room, leaning on the counter, "I thought we were going to the park?"

Izuku looked up as he rolled emerald orbs, shaking his curly mess of hair, "We will after we finish making the batter, Kurogiri said he'll cook them when we get back~!"

"Well, first we gotta make you more presentable, so we have to pat you off Izu," Shigaraki motioned toward the flour decorating the green of his rabbit hoodie, "Can't leave until it's all gone."

Izuku huffed and puffed out his cheeks as Kurogiri picked up from the tall chairs and placed him on the floor. The boy beating his chest and tummy as white clouds appeared off his clothing. Izuku looked over himself once more to see if he got most of the white powder out of his clothing. His gaze slowly rising to meet Shigaraki's own red, the villain giving a satisfactory nod as he held out a pinky, the remaining of his fingers curled into his palm.

The six-year-old beamed as he grasped the pale pinky, a grin showing all of his pearly white teeth and forcing his freckled cheeks to close his eyes. A warmth filled Shigaraki's chest as he gently tug the smaller hand forward, motioning for Kurogiri to make a shortcut to the park. A purple and black swirling mist appeared in front of them as they arrived in an alleyway on the other side, Shigaraki's dark hood hiding his features as Izuku bounced on the balls of his feet in excitement.

Izuku's eyes were wide as he looked around the alley way they had appeared in, gently pulling Shigaraki forward as giggled with glee, "Common Shiga!"

The thin teen chuckled as he was lead to the park, the open grass field being surrounded in trees as a small playground was centered in the middle. Izuku tugged on Shigaraki's finger as he looked down at the small bunny, "C-can I go explore?"

Shigaraki shrugged his shoulders as he stuffed his hands into his hoodie pockets, "Yeah, go for it. Just give me a shout when you need me, Izu."

Izuku gave the taller boy a hug around his waist as he quickly let go and ran away to play in the trees. Izuku had a wide grin adorn his rosy lips as he let his hoodie sleeves fall over his hands, eyes wandering around the collection of trees but as he got further in he heard soft cries. His brows scrunched together in confusion as he slowly moved towards the sound, eyes widening as he saw a boy around his age curled into a ball sobbing.

The boy shuffled as he used his pale fists to wipe away the tears clumsily, Izuku frowned when he saw a large black bruise on the side of the boy's face. Izuku closed his fists as he quietly made his way over to the other, the boy's messy duo colour hair covering his heterochromia coloured eyes; an icy blue striking against the red angry scar and a dark chocolate brown one on milky white skin. Fat tears continued to fall down the flushed cheeks as Izuku fiddled in his pockets and pulled out a green lollipop, a small smile on his lips as he leant down to the boy, "Um... Excuse me, did you want this?"

The boy sniffled as he looked up at Izuku; who used his other hand to scratch the back of his next as his cheek flushed, "I thought it would cheer you up? I have a couple in my pocket, you can have another one! Um, but do you even like sweets? I do! I eat a lot of them and Giri says I'll get fat if I eat too many but I know he's just joking! Giri also thinks that Shiga is a bad influence cause he gives me bags full of candy."

Izuku giggled softly; his green hair swaying in the faint breeze as the crying boy stared at the boy with wide eyes. The faint light of the sun seeping through the trees creating a halo of light on Izuku as his eyes were closed from his fond smile curling as his rosy lips. A shaky hand reached towards the offered lollipop, his voice soft and shaky, "Th-thank you..."

"I'm Izuku, it's nice to meet you..." Izuku moved closer to the boy, sitting in front of the other with his legs crossed.

"I'm... Shoto, it's also nice to meet you." A grin was threatening to split Izuku's face in two as he giggled at the boy's shyness, Shoto's cheeks flushing as hugged his knees to his legs; the lollipop hanging in his pale hand. 

"So, what do you like do? Read? Draw? Play?" Izuku titled his head to the side as he leaned closer to Shoto, eager to know more about his new friend but before he let the other reply he gently grasped the arm holding the lollipop. His lips threaten to twitch down in a smile as felt how cold the other was, he moved closer to him as Shoto's rosy cheeks darkened to red as he stuttered.

"I-Ilike cooking with my siblings... Th-though I don't get to do that often..." Izukuhummed as he gently ran his hands up and down one of Shoto's arms, trying towarm up or comfort the boy as he shifted to sit next to the boy against thetree.

The sky slowly began to darken; stars faintly being seen in the sky as sorrow began to gather in his chest, freezing his heart and spreading outwards. The slightly cool breeze ruffled the duo's hair as Izuku kept his emerald gaze towards the sky, a faint smile on his lips as it twitched downwards. Shoto glanced at the boy next to him, gently placing his right hand over Izuku's and warming the other with his quirk.

Izuku blinked as he turned his head to look at Shoto, the unnatural warmth coming from the limb cause his eyes to spark with admiration for Shoto. Wrapping his pale fingers around the hand as he moved it closer to his face, pressing the palm of Shoto's hand to his cheek; bathing in the warmth that came from it. A fond smile curled at his lips as he gazed at Shoto with half-lidded eyes, "You have an amazing quirk, Sho-kun~"

Shoto's cheeks flushed a rosy colour as he looked away from Izuku; said boy releasing Shoto's hand as he laid down on his belly, the sun setting behind him. Izuku gave Shoto a faint smile as a pink hue appeared on his freckles cheeks, voice soft, "You're lucky, Sho-kun~ I don't have any amazing gifts or a quirk like yours~"

Shoto stared at Izuku with a frown on his pale lips, frost appearing on his cheeks to cool them down, his hands curling into fists as he placed them on the ground in front of him, "B-but, Izuku... Y-you're really nice and kind. It shouldn't matter if you have one or not..."

"Sho-kun~" He rest his head on his arms as he looked at Shoto with a singular emerald eye, pulling on his rabbit hood as he spoke softly, "Thank you... I've only had a very small amount of people tell me that..."

"IZU! Izu, it's getting late! We have to get back!" Shigaraki's voice made Izuku pout as he huffed, sitting up he crossed his arms and mumbled under his breath.

"But I finally made a friend my age..." With that Izuku got to his feet, dusting off his pants and offered a hand to Shoto, "Come on, you better get up and head home too."

Shoto frowned slightly but took Izuku's hand, pulling him to his feet as he kept a firm hold of the green haired boy. He parted his lips to speak but shut them, uncurling his fingers he looked down at the green lollipop. Izuku's eyes softened as he leap forward and wrapped his arms around the slightly taller boy, tightly hugging him around the neck before releasing, "I hope we meet again, Sho-kun~"

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