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Izuku had a pout on his plump lips as he hugged the two bags of candy to his chest as the two other males whispered aggressively to one another. Though he couldn't hear what they were talking about he could still gather it was about him and his 'lovely' experience at school today. With a huff he turned on his heel, heading to the bathroom to bathe and change out of his dirty school clothes.

After placing his bags of candy on his bed he head to the bathroom, leaning over the tub to turn on the water as it slowly filled. A faint smile quirked at his lips as he put a little too much of the lavender scented bubble mix into the water; watching as tiny white clouds gather on the surface as he scooped some into his bandages hands and threw it above his head. Wild giggles bubbled from his lips as he slowly stripped himself of his dirty clothes; removing the Band-Aids and bandages as he let his feet sink into the warm water as he turned off the taps. He hugged his knees to his chest as the smells invaded his nose; eyes drooping a little as his muscles relaxed.

The dark purple hued bruises decorating his small form was a contrast to his milky white skin; red irritated skin caused his wounds to stand out against the damaged skin as he gently cleaned the grazers on his knees and hands. He winced as the burning sensation of the wounds slowly ebbed away the longer he sat in the tub. His emerald eyes shone to life as he cupped bubbles into his hands, blowing on them as they shifted to dance in the air for a second before popping out of existence. Were people like bubbles? Do they slowly swell to life in clusters and then slowly disappear when scattered away from one another? He felt like a bubble; blown into existence by a single person and left to drift on his own until he popped.

Izuku rest his head against the edge of the bath, a sigh parting his lips as a saddened smile graced his features. A bubble covered hand resting against his forehead as his thoughts taunted him. His other hand reaching outwards towards the roof as he reached for the intangible future he craved but would never grasp; why couldn't he be a hero? Why couldn't have fate blessed him with a quirk?

A soft knock was heard on the bathroom door – the noise having startled Izuku – as a deep voice followed after it, "Izuku? Dinner's ready, so please do be quick if you want it while it's hot."

"I'll be out in a second, Giri~!" Izuku hummed; sinking further into the tub as he submerge his head into the water and felt as his hair brushed against his cheeks. He let small bubbles of air escape his lips as he surface with a sigh, hair clinging to his neck and face as he slowly began to stand from the barely warm water. His hands stung a little as he grabbed the towel on the sink, wrapping it around his shoulders as he slowly began to pat himself dry.

His bare feet softly padded on the floor boards as he kept the towel wrapped around his small form; emerald eyes falling on the set of clothes that were neatly sat on the end of his bed. He dropped the towel as he pulled on a pair of pastel green boxers, then slipping on some black shorts that stopped at mid-thigh, sliding on a pastel blue sweater that fell over his hands and off his shoulder, and grabbing a pair of knee high white socks. He sighed in content at the soft materials against his pale flesh, wrapping his arms around himself to bathe in the warmth the clothing gave him. Shaking his messy curly hair, he then proceeded to run down the steps and into the bar where Kurogiri and Shigaraki sat chatting.

Izuku giggled as he ran over to the paler male and hugged his waist from behind, "Thanks for all the candy, Shiga~"

The pale teen let a chuckle bubble from his lips as he ruffled the slight damp green locks; being wary and curling his pinky into his fist. Izuku leant into the touch as his emerald gaze shifted over to Kurogiri, flashing him a warm smile as he climbed onto the bar stool next to the teen. A bowl of Katsudon was placed in front of him; his eyes lit up like lights at the sight as he began to quickly scarf down his favourite dish.

They ate in silence as Kurogiri would give Shigaraki a look every few minutes like he was meant to say something or do something. Izuku pushed his empty bowl forward as he tilted his head to the side, blinking owlishly towards the teen, "Is something wrong Shiga?"

Shigaraki opened his mouth then closed it, reaching forward to gently brush his fingers through Izuku's wild hair; said boy grinning and leaning into the touch as pale lips formed into a fond smile, "Izu, we've been prolonging this encounter for a while but it's... we think you should meet Sensei."

"Sensei? He's your teacher?" Izuku stuck out his lower lip in though as he shrugged his little shoulders, crossing his legs on top of the stool, "When? Will it be soon? Do I have to get dressed up? Am I allowed to bring a little bit of candy with me?"

Kurogiri chuckled softly to release some of the tension in his shoulders, his voice rolling over the two other figures, "You may dress however you like and bring along whatever you wish, and you'll meet him tomorrow. He seems quite intrigued with you, Izu."

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