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Izuku stretched his arms above his head until he felt a pop from his shoulders, a lazy grin curling at his rosy lips as he sighed contently. Evergreen orbs looking around the classroom as a majority of the students having left the classroom only a slim handful remaining. He slowly pushed himself to his feet, swinging his pastel green backpack over his shoulder as he gracefully made his way to the exit of the school as if the wind was carrying him. The sun's rays beaming down on his thin form as he hummed softly, it being drowned out over the sound of a pair of thumping stomps as an abnormally warm hand grasped his wrist.

Izuku blinked slowly as he turned to see an old friend; a fond smile revealing his pearly white teeth as the blonde's cheeks flushed slightly, "Hey Kacchan~!"

"Aye, Deku," Crimson orbs softened as the smaller teen tilted his head to the side, eyes crinkled from the soft smile on his rosy lips, "...How have you been, n-not that I care or anything!"

Soft giggles bubbled from his lips as he fiddled with his hands, cheeks flushing as his mint coloured hair swayed in the soft sunny breeze, "Yeah, I've been good. I have a... new family, they're very nice and one of them saved me. I love both of them; one's such a good parental figure and the other a protective brother... Though I did miss hanging out with you, Kacchan."

"I guess I missed you too..." Bakugou crossed his arms over his chest as he looked away from the smaller teen, his cheeks gaining a darker tint as he huffed. Izuku nibbled on his bottom lip as he shifted closer to the taller, wrapping a slender arm around him as his voice was gently carried on the breeze.

"I'm glad we got to meet again and I'm also glad you're on your way to achieving your dream," Izuku pulled away as the sun itself seemed to cast a halo around his slim form, eyes closed with the wide toothy grin on his lips, "I can't wait till you become the number one hero~!"

Bakugou merely stared as Izuku slowly waved goodbye to him and left the school grounds; he couldn't move like someone had replaced his muscle with stone. He hadn't changed; Izuku was still the same childish and caring person he had met, and yet he had a slightly sinister side to him, which is probably because of growing up with a hot-head of a friend. A faint chuckled bubbled from his lips as he began his trek home, mumbling under his breath, "I'm glad you're safe and happy with your new family, Izuku."

. . . . .

"IZUKU MIDORIYA! I'M GOING TO SKIN YOU ALIVE FOR THIS!" Said greenette giggled as he ran from the fuming figure, whose outfit was adapted (for the better) into a cat-themed costume. Cat paws had replaced the hands that were placed all over his body, a pair of pale blue cat ears were on his head alongside a fluffy baby blue tail attached to his black pants. Izuku struggled to control his breathing through his laughter as he dodged and evaded Shigaraki's lunges at him.

"Giri! Doesn't he look great like this tho~! I think Shiga makes a cute kitty~" Izuku sung out as he vaulted himself over the bar to hide behind the mist figure, knocking off a few glasses in the process.

A long sigh was heard from the mist being as he rested a hand upon Izuku's head, "Izuku, what have I told you about messing with Shigaraki?"

"To not do it..." Izuku pouted as he fiddled with his fingers, the lavender sweater that hung off his thin form draped over his fingers as his wet hair had faint droplets dripping onto his pale shoulders. His gaze was glued to the floor as Kurogiri hoisted the small body off the floor and onto the counter of the bar, noticing the small cut on his leg from the glasses he broke.

"Izuku, do be careful when you jump over the counter; you costing me a fortune with all the glasses you break... Though Shigaraki 'breaks' more things with his tantrums." A chuckle rumbled in Giri's chest as he used a napkin to wipe away the blood on Izuku's leg, digging in a nearby draw for a bandaid; a blue one with pink hearts on it. Placing the bandage on the small wound, Kurogiri sighed as he ushered Izuku away from the broken glass.

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