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An untamable excitement bubbled inside him threatening to burst any second as he combed his fingers through his curly hair; slipping on his uniform with a pastel blue tie instead of the school one that matched the ribbon that was now in his hair. Slipping his slender feet into a pair of black flats as he made his way hurriedly out of his room; stumbling as he descended the stairs into the kitchen to grab his lunch before stuffing it into his backpack before calling over his shoulder as he ran out the door, "BYE GIRI AND SHIG! SEEYA AFTER SCHOOL!"

A wide grin stretched across his lips as a giggle drifted in the air as he ran to school; the wind brushing against his freckled cheeks as a familiar purple spiked up mess met his evergreen gaze. His feet tapped in a steady rhythm on the cement path as he launched himself at the taller figure; arms outstretched as an excited squeal parted from his upturned mouth, "Shin-kun~!"

The two bodies collided and fell to the ground; the small green hair teen gazed into stunned amethyst orbs as a groan of pain passed his lips. A twinkle appeared in Izuku's eyes as he jumped off Shinso, helping him to his feet as he dug in his pocket, "Need a lollipop to forgive me for tackling you?"

Shinso chuckled softly as he rolled his purple eyes in amusement; his voice tired but laced with a fondness, "Disappeared for a week and return with still the same frightful energy... I'm glad you're back, sweet-tooth."

"And no, I don't need a lollipop to forgive you, I rather keep my teeth, unlike you~" Shinso snickered as Izuku puffed out his cheeks and pouted as a large hand ruffled his curly locks.

"For your information, my teeth are perfectly fine! Got nothing but pearly whites!" Izuku crossed his arms as he walked alongside Shinso; arms brushing as the white noise of people chatting fell on their deaf ears. Izu's pout quirked into a small smile as he quickly latched himself onto Shinso's left arm; hugging it to his chest as a blush dusted his freckled cheeks. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach as his blush threaten to darken by the second as he pulled away to take his seat as the bell rung to signify the beginning of class.

Izuku nibbled on his bottom lip as he fiddled with the lollipops in his pocket; waiting for the teacher to enter the classroom to begin the class. However, when the teacher did arrive, his mind wandered to the events of last week. 'What had they done about the students that had been taken from Class 1-A? Did they switch out students? Or are they leaving them as they are until they can clarify if they're dead or not...'

His slender fingers were wrapped tightly around his pen as he brought it up to his lips, teeth digging in and denting the plastic as the day passed in a blur. The hairs on the back of his neck rose as he flinched away from the touch on his shoulder, a tired voice snapping him from his own thoughts, "Hey Sweet-tooth, the bell for lunch has gone, are we gonna go outside to eat or are you gonna sit there eating the pen all lunch?"

Evergreen eyes blinked owlishly at the taller boy, momentarily stunned as he dropped his pen onto his table. His mouth opening and closing like a fish as he shook his head slightly; smiling warmly to the other as he packed away his stuff and grabbed out his lunch, "...Well, let's go eat, Shin-kun~!"

Shinso narrowed his gaze slightly but, nevertheless, let the small ball of energy drag him outside and underneath the shade of a tree. The rustling leaves broke the silence between the two as emerald orbs stared blankly at the half-eaten bento on his lap; a tired sigh parting the taller teen's lips as a pair of large hands covered his, "Izuku... What's wrong? Something has been bothering you...Is it about school or the sports festival or..."

Izuku cheeks flushed slightly as he avoided the other's caring gaze, tightening his grip of his bento as he quietly murmured out a response, "Honestly... somethings have been bothering me, a big bunch of stuff!"

His brows knotted together as he felt butterflies flutter in his stomach as Shinso squeezed his hands gently, his tired voice laced with a compassion that was understanding, "...Okay, do you want to talk about it? Maybe, it would help but I'm not going to push you to. I'm just here to listen if you do."

Izuku took a moment to respond as he pondered over words and then began to hesitantly speak as he gently placed his bento onto the ground before grasping onto Shinso's hands, "Well... For starters I'm concerned about the students from 1-A since the villain attack, like are they okay and what's being done about the missing students? The sports festival is another issue but I'm not too concerned because I'm not going to do well enough to win or anything. Also... one of my family members, my brother, he was caught up in a hero fight... He sustained some injuries that I could've helped prevented but I didn't..."

The other teen remained quiet as he seemed to be processing the information as Izuku finally lifted his gaze to look at the other. The suns rays breaking through the leaves and illuminating his pale skin as his purple hair shift in the breeze as his caring amethyst eyes looked into his own. He hummed softly in thought before responding, his thumbs rubbing gently over Izuku's knuckles, "The way I see it is that you're very caring person, sweet-tooth, however, you shouldn't fret over class 1-A. They seemed to be as annoying as ever, according to your grumpy blonde friend and the pro-heroes and police are dealing with the missing students. As for the sports festival, I think that you are capable of leaving all if not most of the crowd... Star struck."

Shinso winked as Izuku snickered and smiled softly at his words, giving the teen a gently push as he continued, "As for your brother, I think that he would be glad that nothing happened to you and if it did, perhaps he would have become a villain to seek revenge on the hero... But in the meantime, all you must do is be by his side until he is recovered. Give him some candy like you always offer or something."

Izuku giggled as his emerald orbs twinkled like polished gems, a pink dusting his freckled cheeks as he interlocked his fingers together with Shinso, opening his mouth to respond but being interrupted by someone aggressively clearing their throat. "Am I interrupting something, aye?"

Both teens eyes widened to saucers as they pulled away from one another with ruby coloured faces, stuttering nonsense as the spikey hair blonde merely smirked at the two with amusement. An all knowing look flashing in his crimson orbs as he jeered at the them, "Didn't answer me losers, did I interrupt something or were you merely both holding hands and starring longingly into one another eyes?"

"Sh-shut up, Kacchan! He was merely helping me with some personal issues!" Izuku's face was as red as a cherry as he tried to glare at the other, failing terribly as he puffed out his cheeks in embarrassment. 

"Personal issues, geez..." A low whistle was heard from Bakugou as a wicked grinned twisted at his lips as he lends down to Izuku's height, nudging his leg with his foot, "Didn't know you could be so dirty, Deku~"

Izuku squeaked in embarrassment as Shinso sat to the side with his hands covering his face, trying to ignore the two as he sorted out his own thoughts. Whilst the smaller teen quickly got to his feet and tackled Kacchan; angerly hitting him 'hard' in the chest as the blonde was laughing at the embarrassed teens. 

"You're so meeeean, Kacchan!"

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