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Izuku hummed cheerfully as he skipped next to the purple haired teen; having followed him around most the day. A green sucker was placed between his lips as his emerald gaze wandered around the empty halls, puffing out his cheeks slightly as he turned his eyes to looked over the teen next to him. Purple silky hair defying gravity without the use of a product, half-lidded amethysts dulled with exhaustion, ivory skin that was decorated with dark bags that hugged the bottom of his lashes. A nervous smile adorning his slender lips as he rubbed the back of his neck, a pink flush on his cheeks as he lowered his hand to fiddle with the purple spacer in his ear.

Izuku beamed as he bit into his lollipop, crushing the rest of the sucker between his pearly white teeth as he spat the stick onto the floor. Giggling as he matched his pace with Shinso, tugging the taller figure's arm as he spoke softly, "Hey Shi-kun, where are we going~?"

"We're heading to the cafeteria for lunch but we're avoiding the lunch rush by taking a detour there," Shinso smiled nervously as the brainwasher stuffed his hands into his school pants, hunching into himself as he let his purple gaze flicker to and off Izuku. Slender arms wrapped tightly around his right arm, tuffs of pastel evergreen hair resting against his bicep as his entire face flushed a vibrant crimson. This boy was adorable, so much that Shinso couldn't even try to refrain from blushing at his bubbly ball of sunshine personality. Not to mention concreting his sexuality.

Big emerald orbs were framed with thick lashes that brushed over his freckle adorned cheeks; mint green hair curled and shaped his round face, some strands being held back with a cotton candy coloured bow clip. His blinding smile warming even the coldest of hearts every time his rosy lips curled and his thin form having a faint feminine curve as his school uniform hung off him; a size too big and a pastel green tie around his neck instead of the school's red.

Shinso was snapped from his track of thought as the adorable figure clinging to his side released and ran off ahead. He stood frozen before sighing, running after the ball of energy as an annoyed looked appeared on his tired features, mumbling, "I hate physical excise, too much energy required for it."

. . . . .

"KAAAACHAN~!" The blonde's brows scrunched further together as his lips twitched down, the only person who called him that moved away. As he was in thought a smaller body crashed into him, thin arms tightly wrapped around his torso as he stumbled backward from the force of the collision.

"D-Deku?!" Emerald eyes beamed up at him, as he narrowed his ruby gaze; though the scowl on his face softening as the remaining students in class 1-A gaped at the non-violent act. The freckles on the boy's cheeks glowed a faint pink as another figure behind him called out to him, adverting the pastel-greenettes attention away from the explosion teen and the lean arms uncoiling from his torso.

"Izuku, don't run off like that!" A tall male huffed as he was hunched over leaning on his knees, straightening out as Izuku skipped over to him, holding out a sky blue lollipop – which he seemingly pulled out of thin air – with a blinding grin.

"I'm sorry, Shi-kun, have a lollipop for your worries~" Izuku's grinned threatened to widen as his emerald eyes shone while looking at the towering figure; who accepted the treat with a noticeable blush spread across his ivory cheeks. The boy let his arms fall down to his side as he looked around the room; the blush on his cheeks darkening as he noticed the others in the room, fidgeting as he pulled at his school blazer, "O-oh... sorry for distracting you all..."

Izuku chewed on his bottom lip as the remaining girls cooed at his cuteness; Shinso narrowed his purple gaze at the remaining females and moved over to the small teen. Wrapping his arms lazily around the small form's body, pulling him to his chest as the feminine male's freckled cheeks flushed a bright crimson. Shinso's tired voice was comforting as it was directed towards Izuku, his gaze narrowed at the people in the room, "Izuku, we are not going to get any food if we take any longer."

"Oh, well we better get a move on then, Shi-kun~" Izuku hummed as he firmly grabbed onto one of the arms wrapped around him, letting the taller figure pull him in the direction of the cafeteria. The heavy thump of footsteps followed the pair as Izuku quirked a brow, cranking his neck to look behind him. A wide grin nearly splitting his face in two when he saw the spiked hair of his old friend; giggling as he noticed the angry blonde look as if he were a sulking dog following obediently. Cute.

The sound of chatter grated on Izuku's ears as they entered the cafeteria, he didn't like this many people in one room, too noisy. His evergreen eyes wandered around the large area as they collected their food and found an 'empty' table with the assistance of Kaachan. Izuku picked at his food as he kicked his legs softly back and forth, left eye twitching at the loud children chattering around him as he tried to focus his attention on the two quiet males with him.

Pushing away his half-eaten food as he dug in his school pants for a sweet crimson lollipop, a playful grin spreading across his lips as he jeered, "So what's it like to be the only decent person in the hero course~?!"

Izuku's grin twisted into something more sinister as he was painfully aware of some of the class sitting behind him. Kaachan arched a brow but a smug smirk graced his lips, holding out a honey-coated hand that sparked along with his words, "Amazing, the rest of the damn extras couldn't possibly ever best me!"

"So strong, too bad I didn't get into the Hero course, I would have wiped them all out," Izuku pouted as he rests his head on the palm of his hand, "I mean, I could even rival you, Kaachan~"

"I'd like to see you try Deku!" Kaachan's hands popped with small explosions as he wicked grin pulled at his thin lips, eyes narrowed and ignited with a fierce passion. His scarlet orbs softening as he quirked a brow, tilted his head to the side as he rough voice fell onto the small minted-haired teen, "What is your quirk, it developed after... you left."

Izuku hummed softly as his emerald eyes flickered over to the other silent male, a small smile forming on his rosy lips as he giggled, "Oh, my quirk... I call Malleable Galaxy, it's kinda hard to explain but perhaps I can show you?"

With that, his entire forearm and hand shifted to an inky blue with small swirls of purples as white dots danced in the twirling limb. The solidity of his arms began to disperse, as his right arm became nothing but a drifting mist over the three figures. His smile forming into a blinding grin as he willed the mist to reform into a spike, the solidifying limb taking a second to regain a hard form before cracking apart to drift back in the air like fog. The twinkling fog drifted gradually around the three figures as they stared at it in wonder. His smile and gaze softening as the mist curled around Shinso and Bakugou, faint giggles could be heard from the drifting mass as it licked at their ears. A faint blush decorating Izuku's cheeks as he pulled the dark shroud towards himself and reformed his arm. The galaxy melting away back to ivory with brown freckles, he scratched at his cheeks as he fiddled with his lollipop, "Sorry... My quirk has the ability to cause weak illusions that are meant to disorientate people though the distractions come straight from my mind or memories. I can also disperse my body with this quirk but it can be hard to pull myself back together if I stay in mist form for too long..."

"Damn," Shinso mumbled under his breath as he scratched the back of his neck, a faint blush rising to his cheeks, "His quirk is as pretty as him..."

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