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Izuku hummed softly to himself as he skipped back to the gloomy cellar, a dark crimson fluffy blanket stuffed under his armpit as he held a warm container, which contained a simple meal of a grilled chicken breast that was accompanied by some roast vegetable with it. Simple but a decent meal for his pet. A wide grin curled at his lips as he slammed open the heavy metal door, his eyes sparkling with a childish excitement as he practically pranced over to the slumped over figure resting against the brick wall, "Mar! I brought you a blanket and some warm food! Though I have to go again, so enjoy the meal and blanket. I'll be back in the morning so rest up!"

Izuku sat the items down in front of the man before reaching up to gently pat his red head; said man flinching slightly from the touch though none-the-less relaxing into it. Emerald eyes softened before he stepped back, turning on his heel and exiting the room, closing the heavy door and locking it. Quickly making his way to the bar, his grin slipping away to turn into a faint frown as the warm glow of the bar hit his figure. Fiddling with his fingers as he looked at the bluette sitting on a stool sipping an amber liquid almost lazily; crimson orbs boring into his thin figure as he cocked a brow. "I hope you have returned with good news..."

"About that... The hero-killer has declined the offer to join the League. Although, he does seem to be removing some of the heroes from the scene which should make future crime increase and our job easier... " Izuku began to mutter as he wringed his fingers as Shigaraki's fingers twitch, turning the glass in hand to dust as the particles drifted to lightly coat the bench of the bar.

He began to run his nails harshly against his neck, drawing bright red marks that slowly began to bead with blood, Izuku quickly moved forwards to grab Shigaraki's wrist, pulling his hand away. The greenette carefully pushed the other's arms apart as he wrapped his slender arms around the others torso, giving him a slight squeeze, "It's okay Shig! Why don't you send out some Nomu's to cause havoc in Hosu city, that is where Stain is currently. I'm sure it'll cause some inconvenience for him and it would be fun to watch the heroes struggle to kill master's creatures!"

Izuku pulled back a little as he flashed a wide toothy grin up at him. Shigaraki practically caved into the idea, grumbling under his breath as he adverted his red gaze away from the beaming boy, "Fine, whatever... We'll let loose some Nomu's on the city..."

The greenette quickly uncurled his arms from around Shigaraki, giggling as he clapped his hands together in excitement, "Give me a second to put my wig on and coat and then we can go!"

Before Shigaraki could say anything, Izuku was already stumbling his way up the stairs to his room, throwing the door open as he picked up his cotton candy colour wig from his desk. Swiftly putting it on, making slight adjustments before throwing on his signature red coat and grabbing two small muslin bags - blue and a pink one - to collect new candy. He skipped out of his room, swinging his arms to and fro as his coat swayed behind him as he pranced down the stairs.

Rounding the corner into the bar he was met with Shigaraki adjusting the hand on his face and Kurogiri brushing the remains of the dusted glass into the bin. An impossibly wide grin adorned his rosy lips that revealed all of his pearly white teeth, his emerald orbs flashing with something sinister as he rest his hands on his hips. His voice soft and having a musical undertone, "Ready to start the party, Shiggy~?"

"Of course, rabbit. Now, lets get moving. Kurogiri, grab three of Master's nomus." Shiggy rolled his crimson orbs at Izuku as he rubbed at his mildly injured neck as they were both engulfed in Kurogrir's mist.

The dark sky was stretched out in front of them as the dim lights of the city formed a sea of stars, three figures watching above as their features were bathed in shadows as monstrous beasts lurked behind them. Ruby orbs peered down into the city as a wide grin distorted his features as he is raspy voice quietly gave out an order, "Cause absolute havoc." 

. . . . . (Trigger Warning - Gore) . . . . . 

A soft hum barely echoed throughout the eerily quiet alley way, the towering buildings engulfing the area in shadows as the faint tap of shoes broke through the silence paired with the few string of giggles every once in a while. Emerald orbs glinting in the faint light as he dug out some candy from his pink muslin bag, his hands glowing softly as the sweet treats morphed back into lumps of flesh that he dropped to the ground with a squelch. Next to the limp body that had numerous gaping wholes that oozed thick blood as a wicked grin was curled at his lips as he continued his journey, leaving the disfigured body with some missing pieces and some extra ones.

He slipped the small red pieces of candy into his blue bag as he hummed softly to himself, leaning down once more to brush his gloved finger on the corpse's head, it glowing as it swiftly compressed itself into a small red candy. Giggling to himself as he dropped the piece of candy into the same bag as he moved away from the large red puddle on the ground. His feet rhythmically tapped on the ground as he practically danced away from the gruesome scene behind him, an almost childish glint in his emerald orbs. Slender fingers flicked a pink strand out of his face as he caught sight of the blood on his gloves, a frown twitching as his lips that soon contorted in disgust as he peeled them off his hands and stuffed them into his coat pocket. 

Izuku continued to take down any wandering person that just happened to be unfortunate to be by themselves on this dark night.  When nearing a new alley he abruptly stopped, brows knitting together as he heard arguing and what seemed to be metal grating on concrete. Curiosity nagged at the back of his mind as he peered around the corner, his evergreen orbs meeting; one slumped over and most likely injured figure, another figure pinned to the ground with a sword in his shoulder and the last figure was person pinning the other to the ground. They seemed to be in a heated argument with another as Izuku tried to get a better look at all of them, names suddenly clicking to mind. They were the pro-hero Native, Tenya Iida and Stain. 

Izuku pursed his lips, humming softly to himself as he removed his wig and red coat, turning them into two pieces of candy. He quickly looked over himself to see if there were any blood stains on him from when he was collecting ingredients. A small smile curled at his lips as he ran his fingers through his mint locks as he rounded the corner of the alley way, gasping dramatically loud to catch not only the attention of Stain but the others. 

Stain quickly wipped around, sword wrenched from Iida's shoulder as he point it towards Izuku, who fought off a grin. Iida's head was barely able to move to look in the direction of Izuku, his own eyes widening as he shouted to him, panic lacing his voice, "Run! Get out of here!"

"I can't just leave the both of you here!" Izuku's brows knitted together as his skin began to shift to an inky blue; his hands and forearms shifting and taking on the form of long blades. Raising up his newly formed arms as he got into a fighting stance, hiding a sickening grin on his lips as Stain's eyes were narrowed. Stain had heard this kid's voice before, but couldn't put his finger on it where though. 

With narrowed black eyes, Stain swiftly charged forward as Izuku's eyes widened as he only barely had enough time to block the swing at his leg. Quickly activating his quirk all over his body to cancel out the hero-killer's quirk. Izuku's quirk whilst fully activated prevented himself from bleeding, due to the hardness of his skin in this form or mist like quality it can have when reforming. Emerald eyes sparked with amusement, an impossibly wide grin stretched across his face as a sickeningly sweet tone just above a whisper left his lips, "So we meet again, Mr Stainy~"

Stain's eyes widened barely a fraction before Izuku's entire body disintegrated into a cloud that obscured not only Stain's sight but the hero and hero in trainings. Izuku bit back a faint giggle as his evergreen iris's bore into Stain, twinkling as a solid hand that was glowing a faint pink smacked Stain on the back. A gasp from the impact was all that was heard as Stain's formed swirled into a red and black candy that clattered onto the ground. 

Izuku kept his body in a thick mist as he solidified his head to peer over at Iida, who was stuck staring at the wall, the paralysis having fully seizing his movements. Izuku quickly regained his form, sprinting around the corner before dispersing and floating back over to Iida. He had to at least attempt that the hero-killer got away. Izuku reformed at Iida's side, applying pressure to his injured shoulder - willing tears to his green eyes - as his shaky voice was filled with concern, "Are you okay? Can you move? I'll call an ambulance!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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