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Training for the sports festival was overall uneventful. It consisted of him trying to quicken the time it takes him to un-solidify his body and reshape it. Whilst also making sure that he suppressed his other ability, he did not want to risk accidentally activating Capture Candy, Sensei would not be impressed if that happen during the Sports Festival. Izuku would also be very depressed because he wouldn't be able to see or hang out with Shinso or Kacchan and that couldn't happen. So, once he had gotten the shifting time to about four seconds, he was proud of himself because he had shaved off ten seconds from his original time. So, with a cheer he ran downstairs to the bar where he practically launched himself over the bar and at Kurogiri.

"Giri! Giri! I did it! I quickened the shifting time!" Izuku was beaming up at Kurogiri, whilst also hugging the poor man like a koala as the mist being simply hummed before ruffling the curly locks.

"Well done, Izu," He shifted his tone as he sighed, looking over the broken glass on the ground, "But what have I told you about jumping over the bar, you make more mess than Shigaraki. AND he accidentally disintegrates doors and objects."

Kurogiri sat the teen on top of the bar as he bent down to clean up the glass on the ground and then, quickly looked over the childish boy for any injuries. Protective Mama mode going in full when he noticed a cut on the boy's leg, shaking his head as he reached under the bar for the first aid kit. Digging in it for a bandaid, which happened to be a pastel pink one because the candy loving boy had swapped out the plain ones for pastel coloured ones.

"Okay, Giri, I'll try not to jump over the bar, unless it's an emergency and thank you," The mint green hair boy giggled softly as he slide off the bar, giving a quick hug to the parent-figure before dashing upstairs to his room to sleep where he threw himself on his bed covered in various soft plush toys. A blush dusted his cheeks as he grabbed a purple cat plushie, staring at it with a bashful smile, "Oh, Mr Mittens, I'm going to make my Shi-kun proud!"

With a faint giggle as he pressed the plush to his chest as he nuzzled the top of it's head, throwing the covers over himself as he slowly began to drift off to sleep, "I'll make him so proud..."

. . . . .

Izuku jolted away when loud knocking was heard against his door; a quiet yawn parted his lips as a fist rubbed his left eye, his mint green hair sticking up in every direction. He pulled the cat plush tighter against himself as his gaze drifted slowly around the dark room, blinking slowly as he shifted his gaze to the cat in his arms. Emerald orbs widened as a large grin stretched across his pink lips, giggles erupting from him as he quickly flicked the covers off his body and headed to the bathroom to brush his hair. He clipped a baby blue ribbon into his hair as he hummed a soft tune as he basically dance around his room; slipping on his uniform, gathering his school stuff and stumbling gracefully into the bar to grab his packed lunch.

He slipped on his backpack as he pranced over to Kurogiri, jumping up to wrap his arms around the tall man's neck as he placed a kiss to his cheek. The mist man seemed flustered by the action as a pink hue formed on his cheeks as Izuku pulled away, calling over his shoulder as he ran out the door, "Bye-bye, Giri! See you later~!"

Izuku practically skipped the entire way to school as butterflies erupted in his stomach as he held onto his backpack straps harder. Emerald orbs looking over the sea of students that were walking into the school ground, spotting a familiar mop of purple hair; sprinting towards him as he practically tackled the taller boy to the ground. A light laugh escaped his lip as he quickly got off the other, beaming down at the tired teen, "Shi-kun~!"

Said boy groaned out in pain as he rubbed his face, his nose red from hitting the hard ground as he rolled his amethyst eyes, "Sweet-tooth... Do you have to tackle me every time you find me? You're gonna break my nose or worse my entire face."

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