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A heavy sigh passed through his nose as he looked at the grime that dirtied his clothing form the alley way, his lips twisting down in distain as he stomped his way to his room. Swiftly throwing off his articles of clothing on to the floor, leaving him in nothing but his underwear as he moved across the hall into the bathroom. Turning on the facets as warm water began to pool into the tub; Izuku emerald orbs scanning over the varying scented soaps and settling on an orange and cinnamon smelling one. He let out another long sigh as he turned his gaze to mirror were he noticed the burn on his cheek from that snake man's tongue, his slender fingers gently brushing over it as a hiss parted his lips, grumbling under his breathe, "Stupid people! Dirtying my clothing and burning me with his foul acidic tongue, how disgusting can mankind be..."

Grabbing a cloth he gently dabbed at the wound, brows scrunching together as it burned from the cool water being pressed to it. After gently placing a waterproof dressing over the wound he shimmied out of his underwear, dropping the cloth onto the sink as he turned towards the bath. Moving over to it as he leant over the rim of the tub to turn off the taps, slipping into the warm water as a content sigh passed his rosy lips as he sunk below the bubbly water.

The warm water lapped against his freckled ivory skin as he shift in the water, grabbing a loofa and gently scrubbing at his legs and the moving to his arms, chest and back. Washing off the suds from his skin as he rest his head against the rim of the bath, cupping a handful of bubbles into his hands and blowing into them, watching them scatter. People are like bubbles, blown fragilely into existing with the looming thought that their frail bodies could give out any moment or that the life their leaving could easy be taken away. Though some bubbles are unlucky, some pop before they even are able to take form and allowed to drift. Others are allowed to take form and then are left to drifts before popping out of existence. However, no matter the colours that reflect off them, they are all destined to be swiftly and erratically snuffed out. Humans really are similar to bubbles, all just so temporary and fragile.

His emerald orbs watched as the remaining bubbles drifting popped, a small smile curling his lips as he ran hand through his hair, the faintest of a chuckle rumbling in his chest before parting his lips. Emerald eyes flaring in amusement as they fluttered shut, gradually sinking further into the cooling water letting it encase him as he basked in the muffled world that the water provided him. Though he had to emerge to the surface as the pressure in his lungs began to build as the need for air arose.

Running his fingers through his damp locks he slowly pushed himself to his feet, stepping out of the lukewarm water, drying his body off with a towel before wrapping it around his waist and walking back to his room. The cool floorboards caused a shiver to run down his spine as gooseflesh broke out across his skin, pushing open his door as he softly closed it behind himself. He felt droplets fall from his damp locks and fall onto his shoulder where they raced down his chest and back, leaving his body glistening slightly in the low light.

Izuku quickly sorted through his sweaters, deciding which to wear and settling on cotton candy coloured one that hung off his shoulder, dropping the towel to the ground as he slipped on some black boxer and then shimmied into a pair of black jeans. His emerald gaze looked around the room as he slid on some black flats and then proceeded to put some pastel yellow ribbon clips into his hair. He looked over himself once more before moving over to his dirty clothing that were tossed on the floor, digging out the murky coloured candy from his pants pocket.

With a wide grin Izuku quickly left his room, jumping down the steps and skipping into the bar to meet Kurogiri, giggling before throwing himself at the mist being, "Giri~! Can you send me over to Sensei, I have some treats for him~?"

Kurogiri chuckled fondly at Izuku behaviour before softly speaking his deep voice rumbled in his chest as he gently placed the greenette back on his feet, "Of course, Izu."

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