You & I

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*Jack's P.O.V*

I groaned when I heard my alarm clock. I sighed and put my hands to my face. I forced my self up, only to fall to the floor,
"Jack?! Are you okay?!" May shouted from downstairs.
"I'm fine may! The floor just loves me." I said sarcastically. 
Today, was the first day of school. I hated school. I mean, who doesn't? But, I hated school with such a passion. It was unbelieveable. I sighed a forced my self up from the floor. 
I'm not hated, in my school. Instead, everyone loves me. But they don't love me for me though. They like the cool, funny, confident jack. I picked out what I was going to wear and headed to the bathroom. 
In that school, everyone was very, very judgemental. Especially when it came to gays. I'm gay. And everyone in that school knows that. They also know, that if they make fun of me, i'll have my friends beat them up, or I will. I don't like beating people up, it's one of the things I hate, but to me, it's self defence. I don't beat people up for no reason. I have my reasons. 
I stared at myself in the mirror and I straightened my hair, being careful not to burn myself.
I was pretty cocky I guess.
I had a boyfriend every now and then.
I have tons of friends in that school. 
Everytime i'd set my eyes on a guy, they'd say they're not gay. But of course, me being me. I'd instantly change that.
I grabbed my backpack, phone and headphones, and made my way downstairs. I greeted may, and ate some quick breakfast.
"Hey there, loser."
"Hey, cunt."
"May, why aren't you dressed?"
"I'm not going today," She said, with a hair flip.
I put my hands in the air. "Wow, may. You're such a badass. You're so fabulous, but not as fabulous as me." I stuck out my tongue as she rolled her eyes.
I finished my breakfast and said goodbye to may
"Bye loser!"
"Bye cunt!"
I sighed and put my headphones in, Green day blasting through them as I walked to school.
I wonder if there's gonna be any new kids. There probably is, but they usually leave in the middle of the school year. 
I finally reached the damn school and I heard someone shout my name. I looked up from my phone and saw josh waving at me. I waved back and jogged over to him. 
"Hey josh."
"Hey jack-o. What's up?"
"Eh, nothing." I responded, already bored.
After a moment of silence I tried continuing the conversation.
"So, how are you and hayley?" I said, pretending to be interested. They've been dating for a while now.
"Uh, we're okay. She acts like a little bitch every now and then, but I handle it."
I instantly tensed up, when josh says he 'Handles it' he means he physically hits her.
"Josh, why the fuck are you hitting her?!"
"cause jack, she's acting like a little bitch! Why do you care anyway?"
"Because, you're not supposed to hit girls. That's a fucking dick move josh."
"Who gives a shit?"
"I do." I said through gritted teeth. 
"That's not how you treat a lady, you fucktard."
"How would you know jack? You're a fucking faggot." 
I snapped, and before I could hold back, my fist was slamming into his jaw. He fell to the floor, soon everyone was staring at me and josh. I leaned down and got really close to his face.
"Say that again josh. I dare you." I whispered
"Alright, well. If I hear that you're hitting hayley again, you know what will happen next. Understand?" 
He nodded quickly. 
I smirked and got up and walked inside. It was still early, but I didn't wanna be around anyone right now.
I made my way to my homeroom, which was my first class. I stepped in the classroom and saw Mr. Robinson working on his paper work stuff.
"Goodmorning, jack."
"I guess." It wasn't exactly a good morning. I was pissed off.
I sat somewhere in the back of the classroom. I took my phone out and started texting friends from my old school, out of boredom.
"Mr. Barakat, put that away. Before I take it."
I smirked.
"Sure, Mr. Robinson."
I continued texting and soon, my phone was snatched out of my hands.
"Hey man, what the hell!" I shouted.
"Hey man. There's no phones allowed in school."
"That's bullshit" I said under my breath
"Excuse me, Mr. Barakat?"
"I said, that's bull-"
"Well, I don't care."
I sighed and leaned back in my chair.
There was a knock on the door.
"It's open." Mr. Robinson said, not looking up from his paper work. How could he do that? It could be a fucking crazy insane person about to kill us and he just lets them in?!
A kid with brown sandy hair, and a Green day shirt steps in. He was very attractive. Extremely.
Mr. Robinson looked up from his paper work and look over at the boy and then looked back at his paper work.
"Ahh, yes. Alex."
He nodded.
"Take a seat. Mr. Gaskarth."
Gaskarth, Alex Gaskarth. I liked that name, it was nice, it suited him. 
Alex looked at the row of chairs in front of him and decided to sit in front of me.
 I smirked, I tapped his shoulder gently, he turned around and I gave him a cheeky grin.
"Hey there, sweetcheeks."
"Uh, hi." He was very tense, he looked really nervous, he even had a bit of fear in his eyes.
"Hey babe, relax. I'm not gonna hurt you."
 He tensed up even more when I called him 'babe'
"So, did it hurt?"
"Um, what?" He stared at me in confusion
"Y'know, when you fell from heaven."
He blushed lightly and looked down at the floor and smiled.
"That's cheesy." 
I raised an eyebrow "Oh really now?" 
He nodded anxiously
 I chuckled a bit. "How about this. You. Me. Thursday night. At 7."
"I-I-I-I'm not g-gay."
I got extremely close to his face, and whispered in his ear, almost seductively. 
"I can change that, love." I bit his earlobe gently. 
I leaned back in my chair only to see he was completely frozen and his face was now, red as a tomato.
He tried playing it cool and rolled his eyes.
"I highly doubt that."
The bell rang and soon a flood of teenagers were entering the classroom. I smirked and got close to his face again, I let my tongue slide against his lips seductively. 
"We'll see about that."
He immidiately turned around
I was going to make him mine, he was different from other guys, and that drove me wild. In a good way. I'd make him mine, no matter how long, or how hard it would be. (lol that's what he said.)


During the middle of the lesson I started kicking his chair. He turned around and faced me, then whispered harshly.
"Can you stop that."
"I don't know...depends, babe."
"On what? And stop calling me the nicknames." 
I scoffed. "Shut up, lexy. You know you love them." 
He rolled his eyes.
"They say dating is a numbers can I get your number?" I winked.
He scoffed and turned back around.
Well, this was going to be difficult.

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