Got me wrapped around your little finger.

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*Alex's P.O.V*

So, I sat there. Too shocked to move. I watched jack leave, I felt cold. And not physically, not because I didn't have my shirt on, but because the sight of jack just leaving made me wonder.

If I let him come into my life, would he leave? Just like that? I shivered and put my shirt back on.

I picked my books up from the floor, I noticed the foundation on my wrist was fading, I sighed held my books in my right arm and headed for the door, I started putting jack's number in my phone and then suddenly I bumped into a girl with bright orange hair, she was wearing a hoodie and a skirt with leggings and a pair of black boots. I looked down at the floor and saw my books all over the place.

"Oh my-"

"I'm so-"


We were both talking all at once, we laughed and stared at each other for a second, then I picked up my books, it wasn't long until she was helping me out. I saw her glance at my wrists and I quickly pulled my books together and got up.

"I'm sorry, thanks for helping me out though." I walked impatiently towards the door, maybe she didn't see them? Maybe i'm just paranoid, right? Please be right...I felt someone tug on my wrist, I winced in pain. She grabbed my arm and dragged me over to a table and sat me down and then she sat down in front of me.

"What are you doing?"

"Why are you doing that to yourself." She asked, pointing at my wrist.

"I really don't understand why I should be telling you this, I don't know why I should tell you my story, I don't know why I should be speaking to a complete stranger."

She raised an eyebrow at me and smirked. Exactly like jack's smirk.

"Well, i'm hayley. I cut too, I'm lonely too, I'm tired too, i'm depressed too, my parents are getting divorced, they're avoiding me completely because they're too busy fighting with themselves to care about how I feel about this. I'm an only child, hmm, what else, I get bullied, physically and verbally."

My jaw dropped. I stared at her in shock. She was exactly like me. Except, i'm not getting bullied physically or verbally. At least, not yet.

"So are you gonna talk to me? Or are you just gonna leave your jaw open, you might choke on a bug." I instantly blushed and closed my mouth and nodded. 

"Well, there's not much to say. Uh, my name is Alex. You kind of just said everything for me. Except i'm just confused, and frustrated."

She nodded, like she understood.

"Frustrated and confused about what?"

"Well, there's this guy-"

"You're confused about your sexuality?"

"Y-Yeah. I mean, he's really cute, and he's confident, he makes me feel important, loved, and wanted. But i'm just afraid"

"Afraid of getting picked on?"

"Well yeah, but he protects me completely, he's pretty popular in my school. I don't know why he talked to me in the first place. But, i'm also afraid he'll leave. Just like everyone else. He's extremely cocky, and confident, he sticks up for himself, and others. He calls me nicknames...that I might or might not like..." I mumbled.

I was just lying to myself, I do like the nicknames he calls me. I like it when he calls me Alexander too, I don't know why, i've never liked anyone calling me alexander, but when he says it, he sounds so serious. I love it.

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