Starstrukk (Last chapter)

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(A/N) : Ayyyy, time skip to like 3 years k. 

*Jack's P.O.V*

Alex and I were in our bed, my arms draped around his shoulder and his arms wrapped around my waist. We had gotten an apartment together, like we always talked about. Through time, we started talking about how we should get an apartment together, at first I felt uneasy about it. That felt like a lot of pressure, I mean..what if we get in a fight and someone kicks someone out? But i've learned to not live my life with 'What if's' and to not let 'What if's' control me or define me. Alex and I eventually got our apartment we always dreamt about. When we told our parents about the idea, they kinda laughed at us. Because, it's funny I guess? They have a sick sense of humor. Right? 

But anyway, our parents definitely disagreed on the idea. Every time jack and I got a couple of hundred dollar bills from family members or a check from work, we'd save it up for our apartment. Because we were serious as much as our parents thought we weren't, or hoped. And when my mom went shopping with me she'd tell me to use my money but i'd always say it was for the apartment. That's when we'd get into a big fight and i'd end up angry and leave the mall. Same for alex. Our parents never took us seriously. We recently got a phone call from our parents, asking how we've been and where we were. You can guess what we said. 

"In our fucking apartment where else? Go shove a dildo up your ass dad." Alex yelled through the phone. I almost fell to the floor from such laughter. 

But that was a few weeks ago. It's been two years since we got the apartment, and we're as happy as can be. We got two dogs, Sebastian and Peyton. Alex adores them, he treats them as if they were our kids, they basically are. We also got a couple of cats. Alex wanted a ferret because he thought they were cute, so we got one. There has been some ups and downs. Alex almost got a girl pregnant when he was drunk off his ass, he also almost got into a car accident. But it's not like i'm the innocent guy here. I almost cheated on some girl named jasey and almost punched alex in the face for crying. We've made mistakes but we're okay now, and we know how to control ourselves now. 

The apartment was nice, it was comfortable, kinda big but that's okay. We had four rooms, two seperate rooms just in case we got into a fight and we needed to calm down and get our minds off things. In a healthy way of course. Alex's room had a keyboard and a couple of guitars in it, a bean bag, a mini recording station and a notebook with a pencil. Basically a music room or something. My room had a couple ofbean bags, my guitar, mini recording station, video games, PS4, xbox, and a mini fridge. 

Where the hell did we get all of this money you ask? Well, we saved up by freshmen year of high school, you know when your parents don't know what the fuck to get you for christmas so they give you money? Well, my parents gave me two hundred dollar bills every christmas, same goes for alex, we also had jobs that paid well. So that's how, I guess.

We still hang out with our high school and college friends though, at least the ones we actually cared about and the people that were there for us through thick and thin. Rian plays the drums, zack plays bass and we made a band together. All time low. And we have the greatest fucking fan base and if you don't think so you can go fuck yourself. As for hayley, she made her own band. Paramore. And they're extremely popular. We still keep in touch. Every now and then we surprise her on stage and sing with her. 

"Hey you little shit are you still alive 'cause you're hella quiet." Alex said. 

"Sorry, just thinking." I chuckled. 

"What about?" He smiled. 

"Oh, just thinking about how this worked out perfectly." I smirked. 

"It did, didn't it?" He said happily. 

"Hey, remember when you were really fucking shy and I acted like a conceited little prick." I laughed. 

"Yeah, and the time when you slapped my ass really hard in the hall way and said you'd meet me after lunch and gave me a hot ass kiss." He giggled. 

"You're adorable." I said. 

"You're a dick." He stuck his tongue out. 

"Welp, you are what you eat." I shrugged. 

"So you admit you eat dick?" He gasped. 

"Only yours babe." I winked. 

"You smooth mother fucker." He laughed.

I leaned into him and pressed my lips sweetly onto his, cupping his face gently.

"Mm, I love you." 

"I love you too."

(A/N) : AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY FLUFFY ENDING HOORAY. I'm sorry this is a really short story, I kinda didn't know how to continue it... so....y'know...


So yeah, that's gonna most likely happen. I have an audition for chiarts tomorrow and i'm hella nervous. 

But yeah, I hope you enjoyed this chapter c: 


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