I've been in shambles before, but I can't feel anymore

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*Jack's P.O.V*

I walked to school with alex's hand holding mine. I felt nothing but love for him, every time I looked at him, I'd smile. I remember how I used to be, all cocky and silly. Don't get me wrong, I still am. I'm just not flirting with anyone else because alex is my main focus. I remember when alex said he didn't want to be alone at home. Which was also the day I stood naked in front of him. I chuckled quietly to myself. His parents were rarely at home. His parents are rarely home. 

"Hey love?" I said

"Yes jacky?" He said

"Why are your parents never home?" I asked as we got closer to the school. 

"Well, my brother, tom. He commited suicide and my parents were devestated I guess. So they buried themselves in work. Now, they're rarely at home. But I don't blame them. I don't like being home alone because I feel so empty. I miss the way my family used to be, and when i'm alone in that house, negative thoughts start racing through my mind." He said. 

"I'm sorry." I murmured while looking at the ground. 

"It's fine love, don't be sad, i'm fine. You're fine. We're fine." He smiled. I nodded and returned the smile. We reached the school, still holding hands. People were already walking inside. I sighed and walked with alex to the school doors. I started walking towards my locker with alex, rian and zack stood there talking, they stopped socializing when they saw me coming over. I frowned and opened my locker. 

"Well shit." Rian mumbled. 

"Guys, I know i'm extremely fucking hot, but i'm taken." I said jokingly. They both rolled their eyes.

"We're just glad that jack actually find the right person." Zack smiled. 

Alex giggled and wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked down at him and gave him a warm smile. I quickly checked my schedule and sighed. I had 3 classes without alex, great. Alex frowned and kissed my cheek. 

"It's okay, i'll see you at lunch." He said and winked. I grinned and kissed his lips lightly and made my way to my class. 


I was already in the third class and I sighed happily for time passing by quickly. I sat in my desk and pulled out my things. I was squirming in my seat anxiously, I really wanted to see alex.

"Mr. Barakat, do you need to go to the bathroom?" The teacher asked. 

"Yeah, actually, I do." I lied. He nodded and let me go. It's funny how some teachers believe that others actually go to the bathroom to take a piss. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to tell alex to meet me in the bathroom, but then I heard and awfully familiar moan. I frowned and put my phone in my pocket without sending the message. I walked towards the bathroom and opened the door. Alex was hoisted ontop of the sink, shirtless, and brendon was kissing him. I scoffed and laughed, I shook my head slowly. 

"Mm, I should've known better." I said. 

"Jack I can ex-" 

"You can explain what alex? This? Oh, good luck. 'Cause I honestly don't give a fuck. You know what i've been through, and you decide to go ahead and do this? Good choice." I grinned. Alex looked so broken and brendon looked scared.

"And to think, I actually told you I loved you. Don't blame yourself alex, it was my fault for actually trusting you, for falling in love with you. It was my mistake. I hope you're happy with yourself Alexander." I smiled as I walked out of the bathroom. I walked back to class and sat down in my desk, our teacher, Mr. Robbinson was lecturing the class about paying attention. At least, that's what I heard from the other end of the hall. I scoffed and he looked at me. 

"Barakat, is there something you'd like to say?" Mr. Robbinson asked. 

"Yeah, this class is a fucking joke." I snapped. 

"Detention." He simply said. 

"Dude, just because you give someone detention doesn't mean they'll actually go to it. You've been here a couple of years, you're pretty fucking old, i'd think you'd be smarter than that." I smirked.

"Suspended." He said. 

"Awesome, I could actually use a break from this shitty school." I said. 

"You're unbelieveable Jack bassam barakat." He yelled. 

"What can I say teach? I'm just full of surprises." I said calmly while grinning. 


I sat in my regular table at lunch, rian and zack came running towards me and they sat in front of me. 

"Dude what the fuck happened in class back there?" Rian asked. 

"I was pissed off. I really want to cry my eyes out and just punch someone right now." I said coldly. 

"But I can't do that. I won't." I said. 

"Wait, why are you mad?" Zack asked. 

"Because, I caught alex and brendon making out in the bathroom." I said nonchalantly. 

"Oh shit." Rian murmured. I sighed and nodded. I turned around and alex was sitting in the back table, with his head down. I felt a pinch of guilt, but I pushed that away and turned back around. Then I saw brendon walking towards him. I stood up and walked towards brendon, I grabbed him by his shirt and threw him on to the floor. I got on top of him and punched him multiple times, zack and rian panicked and grabbed my arms and pulled me back. I started kicking the air, brendon stood up, his face was bleeding like crazy and he looked like he had just seen a ghost. I felt nothing but anger. 

"You stay the fuck away from him, you hear me?!" I yelled. 

"If you go near him, i'll fucking destroy you." I continued. 

"You lay a finger on him, I swear brendon. It's over for you." I said. 

"But didn't you break up with him?" He asked while attempting to wipe the blood off of his face. 

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I won't watch over him. I'm pissed off at both of you, and that will never change. I still love him, and when I stop loving him then i'll stop watching over him." I said calmly. Rian and zack let me go and I walked back to my table. Rian and zack sat back in front of me. 

"Dude, alex is looking at you." Rian said. 

"I don't care." I lied. 

Yes I do. 

(A/N) : Short shitty chapter, all aboard the train of feels, sorrynotsorry. I really didn't know how to continue the next chapter after I wrote 'I never said i'd fight fair' But hey, here you go. I had writers block for a while which sucks balls. My mom is trying to convince me that i'm not bisexual but c'mon we all know boobs are pretty great. 

Anyway, more will be coming soon since I actually know what to write about now. So yay. I'll be updating more often with this story, sorry for the long wait. Sorry if there's any typos here, i'm too lazy to actually look it over, so yeah. 

Byeeee. c:


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