My heart is yours

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*Jack's P.O.V*

I never thought alex would get mad, I thought he'd be like one of those boys who do cute things or silly, stupid, things to make you happy or to find out what's wrong.

I honestly hate those type of people. They annoy me.

I checked the clock next to me. 7:00. Perfect. I had enough time to eat breakfast and get ready. I grabbed a black pair of black jeans and a black green day hoodie. I put on some vans and walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth as I stared at myself in the mirror. I splashed water on my face and blinked a couple of times. I sighed and tried styling my hair, it didn't work out. I rolled my eyes and just went with the normal bed head. I headed downstairs, I looked around the kitchen and noticed my mom wasn't home. I didn't feel hungry, and it was still early, so I decided to walk to alex's house. Which was write across the street. 

I grabbed my phone,and my headphones, and put them in my pocket. I grabbed my jacket and opened the door and walked out into the cold november air. I walked down the steps of my house and walked across the street, I firmly knocked on the door. After a few seconds alex's mom answered the door, smiling at my appearence. I smiled back and waved.

"I came here to pick alex up." I said.

"He's still sleeping, you can go wake up up." She said in her british accent. Which I loved. I nodded and stepped in, I walked up the stairs to his room, I slowly and quietly opened the door. I walked quietly near his bed and leaned down.

"Jack-" he groaned. My eyes widened for a moment 'cause I thought he woke up, but then i realized that he was still asleep. I smirked and jumped on top of him. 

"W-What the fuck?! Jack?!" Alex looked up and I grinned. 

"Hey cupcake." I said, still smirking. 

"What are you smiling about?" he frowned.

"Oh, nothing, just the fact that you kind of moaned my name in your sleep." He said as I got closer to his face, he turned red.

"N-no I-"

I shut him up by kissing him, I licked his bottom lip but his lips didn't part, I bit it and his lips parted immidiately. I slipped my tongue in and searched every inch of his mouth with my tongue.

"You're cold." He said, as my forehead rested on his gently. 

"Then warm me up," I smirked and continued kissing him, I slipped my tongue back into his mouth, our tongues danced together, the kiss was full of passion and heat. I snaked my cold hands up his stomach,  I then rested my hands on his warm bare chest, he gasped and smiled. I grinned and stood up.

"You have morning breath." I said and scrunched my nose. 

"You're cute when you do that." He giggled.

"Do what?" I tilted my head.

"The nose thing." He smiled. I scrunched up my nose again and he laughed. He started playing with the hem of my hoodie. 

"Get ready, we need to go to school, love." I hopped off him and grabbed his hand and helped him up. He was wearing nothing but broxer briefs, I coughed awkwardly, because he looked extremely hot. 

"What?" He said

"N-Nothing." I said. He smirked and shrugged. Then walked into the bathroom and freshened up. I took the opprutinity to check his ass out 'cause it looked hella fine. A few minutes later he walked out, still in his boxer briefs. I wanted to do so many things to him. I looked at him and he turned red. I smirked and grabbed him by the waist and pulled him into me. I pressed my lips onto his and pushed my tongue into his mouth, savouring the fresh minty taste. I cupped his ass and slowly pushed him against the wall and kissed down his neck. I soon found his sweet spot and  licked and nibbled on it. Leaving a satisfying mark. He moaned and cupped my face and kissed me. I grinned and started tugging gently on the bottom of his boxer briefs. I grinned and parted from the kiss. 

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