I Love You

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*Alex's P.O.V*

When I first saw jack I thought he'd be heart broken, empty maybe, because that's how I would've been if I saw him making out with brendon. But instead, he sounded bitter, his eyes were filled with hate and envy. I felt nothing but guilt, even though this wasn't my fault. I didn't want to make out with brendon, I was in class and it was the third period, meaning 45 more minutes until lunch and I couldn't wait that long to see jack. So, I asked the teacher for premission to go to the bathroom, she said yes and I grabbed my phone and shoved it in my pocket. Once I was in the empty hallway, I took it out and started texting jack to come meet me in the bathroom, but I felt someone grab my arm and pull me in to the bathroom before I could send the message. I elbowed the person and they instantly backed off. I turned around and I noticed it was brendon. He hoisted me on top of the sink and got between my legs and attacked my lips. I tried pushing him off of me but he only gripped me harder. 

"Brendon, get off of me." I spat. 

"Mm, no thanks love. You're too cute. Besides, i'm just using you to get my jacky back." He said and continued kissing me, I wasn't kissing him though, I was pulling my head back as far away from him as possible but he just got on the tips of his toes and continued kissing me.

"You know alex, jack never really cared for you. He doesn't love you, he was just using you for sex." He said as he kissed me. 

"I wouldn't blame him, you are pretty sexy." He said. I moaned as he gently bit down on the sweet spot on my neck. Just then, jack walked in. 

So now, i'm sitting here. At the back of the cafeteria, in the lonely lunch table. I gulped as I saw brendon walking towards me. Jack also noticed and got up from his seat and started beating brendon senseless. 

"Didn't you break up with him?" Brendon asked

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I won't watch over him. I'm pissed of at both of you, and that will never change. I still love him, and when I stop loving him then i'll stop watching over him." He said. 

So, now i'm sitting here, in my room, trying to figure out how to get jack back. 


"What do you mean jack found brendon making out with you?!" Hayley exclaimed

"I didn't want to! Brendon was forcing me, I tried getting out of his grip but he only got stronger." I panicked.

"I need to get him back, hayley, please." I said, tears streaming down my cheeks. 

"Okay, i'll need you to come to my house. I'm gonna lock you both in a room." She said. 

"Just what rian did." I mumbled.

"Who?" She asked

"No one." I quickly responded. 

"I'll be there in 5." I said and hung up. I wiped the tears off of my face and brushed my hair. I walked downstairs and noticed no one was home. Thank god. I grabbed my coat and walked outside, I decided to walk since hayley's house is just 2 blocks from my house. 


"Are you sure about this, hayley?"

"Well, do you want your jacky back or not?" Hayley asked, and she had a point there. Of course I want my jacky back.

I was in her house and I was standing in the middle of her room. She stood there, leaning on the door frame waiting for me to respond. I sighed and nodded. She grinned and grabbed her phone out of her pocket. I assume she was dialling jack.

"Hey jack-o! I'm going shopping for some band merch and I was wondering if you'd like to come with?" She said. I could hear jack talking on the other line but I couldn't make out the words.

"Great! So you'll be here in 3 minutes. Ok. Bye." She quickly hung up and slid her phone back in her pocket. She closed the door and I started preparing myself for what's to come.

And by preparing myself I mean talking to myself. Because there's nothing more normal than that.

"Jack, I'm so sorry, please forgive me. I didn't want to kiss brendon, he forced me and I-"

"No gaskarth you sound stupid." I said to myself.

I heard door open and then close. Jack's voice came from outside of hayley's room. I could hear footsteps coming closer and hayley's voice getting louder.

"Jack-o, help me decide what to wear?" Hayley said. I quickly ran a hand through my hair and took a deep breath. The door flew open and my eyes grew wide. Jack's smile suddenly disappeared, he turned around but the door was already closed.

"This door isn't opening until you two bozos sort this shit out!" Hayley yelled through the door. Jack screamed and punched the door. He suddenly calmed down and gently set his.hand on the door, his voice went from angry to soft.

"Does this mean...no band merch?" He said softly. I could feel hayley rollling her eyes, I heard her scoff and walk away. Jack turned around and sat on the ground, looking as mad as his perfect face could be.

"Jack I-"

"I don't wanna hear it alex." He said sternly.

"Jacky, please, just hear me out." I pleaded. He didn't respond. Let alone even look at me. I sighed and took the oprotunity to explain.

"I was walking to the bathroom, and I was texting you to come meet me there. But, brendon pulled me into the bathroom before I could send the message. He started kissing me and saying that he was just using me to get you jealous. And I tried to get ouf of his grip but he got stronger. Then he said I was worthless and you probably didn't even love me. And for a split second, I thought he was right. Because, who would like or even love someone like me? I'm an awkward shy wreck. I'm not even that attractive." I said in a shakey voice.

"What I'm trying to say is, Jack Bassam Barakat, I've fallen deeply in love with you. And I'm sorry if I hurt you at all. Please, take me back." I said as a single tear glided down my cheek. He looked up at me and smiled. He stood up slowly and started walking towards me, he placed his hand in my cheek and brushed the tear away. He slowly placed his sweet plump lips on mine.

"Of course."

(A/N) : So, its 4:18 AM and I can't sleep. So why not write another chapter? Fml,  I'm at my dad's house and there's some trippy shit going on. Either that or the fact that I just finished watching a bit of supernatural on netflix and I'm paranoid. Oh well.


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