Keep up, tease.

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-Next Day-

*Alex's P.O.V*

I woke up and as soon as I did, I heard my phone vibrate. I checked the caller ID, it was Hayley. 


"Hey alex"

"Oh hey hayley, what's up?" 

"Nothin, just got bored and decided to call you. How are you and that boy....what's his name?"


"You mean, THE Jack Barakat? Barakat?! Barakat likes you?"


"Well, first, he's a massive dick. Second he's a player. And third, he's known as the badass in school. His popularity is over the top."

"He's a player? Hmm. Well, i'm not that easy y'know"

"I guess, you are kind of different from the other boys jack dated, but that doesn't mean anything. Jack is always dominant and he loves that. The only way you'll have him wrapped around your little finger is if you act just like him."

"Just like him?" 

"Yep, y'know...uh...dangerous...? Just play his game, don't let him control you, you control him. And don't get so nervous. Be confident in every step you're going to take."

"I don't know if I can do that can I act sexy? I don't know, that's too much. I'm fucking awkward."

"You've spent lots of time with him, just act like him when he tries to seduce you."

"He gave me a fucking blowjob yesterday. He wants me to return the favor." I muttered

"Don't return the favor. Tease him."

"Are you mad?!"

"No, i'm serious. Tease. Him. It'll leave him wanting more."

"B-But-" I was interrupted by my phone vibrating again, I checked the caller ID and saw that it was jack.

"Hayley? I'll have to call you back. Jack's calling me."

"Okay, remember act sexy." I sighed and switched the calls.


"CUPCAKE!"  I jumped out of my skin and fell to the ground.


"Cupcake? Are you there? Are you okay?! Lexy?!"

"Jacky i'm fine, just don't yell through the phone like that ever again. That's the second time you scared me, and made me fall." I heard him chuckle on the other line

"You're silly."

"I'll get you back though."

"Right, right. You still need to return the favor, love."

"I will, don't worry." I felt my face heat up

"I can see you blushing lex."

"What? How- I mean, i'm not blushing."

Soon the call ended and I looked back at my phone and frowned


I tried getting up off the floor, but I only fell down again, the door opened revealing jack. 

Keep me in your memory.(Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now