Love in a box.

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*Jack's P.O.V* 

I woke up and squinted at the light from outside. I looked down and saw alex sleeping close next to me. His light snores were adorable, his mouth was half open, he honestly looked like the cutest thing i've ever layed eyes on. I sighed and grabbed my phone out of my pocket and checked the time.



"ALEX." I yelled, he fell to the floor and groaned.

"Uggg, jaaaaaaaackyyy, whaaaat."

"Sorry cupcake, it's 8:47 we have school."

"SHIT." He got up and put on his slippers and walked upstairs to the bathroom to take a shower, saying the word shit every step of the way.

I chuckled and got up from the couch and made some quick breakfast. Scrambled eggs with bacon. I grabbed the orange juice out of the fridge and poured it into two cups and set the food on the table. I just stood there staring at the floor for a few minutes, waiting for alex after that.

I walked upstairs to see if alex was done and I saw the bathroom door open. I quickly blocked the exit and there stood a half naked alex. All I needed to do is take off that damn towel so he could be completely naked.

"Hey there cupcake." I said with a smirk

"J-Jacky. Seriously, move. We have to go." he pushed passed me and I rolled my eyes, then headed into the bathroom and turned the hot water on. I stripped from my clothes and stepped in the shower.
Cold. Water.

"Cold cold cold cold cold." I whimpered as I walked further away from the water.

"Fucking hell alex!" I yelled, I heard him chuckle slightly and I made a quick mental note to give him a quick surprise. I showered quickly with cold water.
I dried myself off and decided to not wear a towel, just to tease alex. I chuckled silently to myself. I walked out of the shower and into alex's room. He was picking out his clothes, he was wearing a pair of black jeans, but he was still shirtless. He turned around and faced me 

"Jack I wanted to- jack!"

"Hey lexy. Can I borrow some clothes?" I smirked. His face was completely red.

"S-Sure. W-Why a-are you completely n-naked."

"Just because." I said as I walked closer to him and grabbed his waste and pulled him closer to me. He gasped at the sudden contact. 
I kissed him slowly, I felt his tongue slip in my mouth. He grabbed the back of my head and kissed me harder, I gripped his ass and he moaned in the kiss, I pulled him even closer and nibbled his tongue.

I gripped his ass tighter and he moaned again. His moans were so beautiful.

"J-Jack, w-we have to get g-going." 

"Oh, right cupcake. Sorry about that, by the way there's breakfast on the table. I'm just gonna pick out some clothes for myself, if you don't mind."

He stood there, silent for a second, staring at me, and then I remembered I was still naked.

"Lexy I know i'm sexy but please, stop staring." his face turned completely red.


"Don't worry love, I was only kidding." I said, sticking my tongue out. I kissed him one last time, and then picked out a plain white shirt and some jeans and a pair of vans. I put them on and turned to walk out of alex's room but he was still standing there, staring at me. 

"Did you just watch me change?"


"Lexyy!" I pouted
"That's not fair! How come you can see me naked, watch me change. But I can't?! That doesn't seem so fair lex."

"Life isn't fair. Now come on jacky, before the breakfast gets all cold." he cringed. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I'll see you naked one day." I mumbled.

"Hmm?" he turned around and looked at me

"Nothing" I responded, grinning.
"Whatever." He said shaking his head and smiling.

I shoveled the scrambled eggs in my mouth and shoved the bacon in my mouth, then I chugged the orange juice and sighed. I looked back at alex to see if he was done. Barely. He stared at me like I just commited a crime. He had just started eating.

"Holy shit. How do you eat like that and not look fat?"

"Dunno. C'mon lexyy, hurry up.  We need to get gooooooooing." He ignored me and took his time.
I frowned then sighed and took his plate and put it in the sink I grabbed my backpack and his backpack, I held his hand and dragged him out of the house.

"B-But my scrambled eeegggsss. Jaaaaaaackyyy." 

"I'll take you out to eat afterschool, but we seriously need to go cupcake." I gave him his backpack and held on to his hand and made my way to my car. That's when I noticed his parents still weren't here, but I put it to the side for now, 'cause we needed to get going. I got in the driver's seat and buckled up, and headed to school.


We finally arrived and I hopped out of the car and opened the car door for alex, 'cause y'know. It's...nice...?

"Wow, such a gentalman" He said sarcastically as he stepped out.

"Love the positive attitude." I responded.

"Thanks." He grinned, I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand, he kissed my cheek, I felt myself blush a bit. Why am I blushing? I never blush. What.

"Awww, is my jacky blushinggg."

"Your jacky?" I said smirking, he instantly shut up and blushed.

"Aww, is my lexy blushing." he scoffed and held on to my hand tighter. I kissed his cheek as we walked upstairs to our class. Luckily alex and zack were in my class. Chemistry. We walked into the classroom still holding hands.

"I see you're very, very late barakat. And alexander-"

"Don't call him that. It's alex." I said, sternly. Ms. Wiley looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Alright, alex. Consider this your warning."

I felt zack stare at me and alex, I looked back at him and he saw that me and alex's hands were tangled together. He rolled his eyes, knowing well that I had won the bet. I smirked at him.

I walked past him and took the money from his hands, and sat somewhere in the back. I looked at alex, who still stood there confused, still deciding where to sit. I pointed at the seat next to me and he smiled and sat down. 

I decided to tease him once again, I scooted closer to him and ran my hand up his thigh.

"J-Jack, pay attention." He said, trying to sound serious.

I got closer to his face and whispered into his ear
"You have no idea what I want to do to you lexy." I said, and nibbled on his earlobe. He gulpled and blushed.

"Well first, I want to ride you like there's no tomorrow."
I started rubbing his crotch

"And i'm gonna make you feel so good, and i'm going to suck-"

"Jack." Ms. Wiley shouted.

I sighed and turned to face her. "Whaaaaaat."

"Pay. Attention."
I rolled my eyes and then the bell rang. I got up from my desk and grabbed my bag, alex was still sitting there, looking terrifed.

"Babe c'mon, we have to get going." 

"R-Right." he stuttered, still blushing.


*Alex's P.O.V*

It was finally the end of the day, and I could finally go home. 
What jack said earlier, kept playing in my mind.
I was sitting next to jack in the car, as he drove me home, and the thoughts of his seductive voice whispering in my ear got me hard. And jack noticed.

He stopped in front of my house and I quickly said goodbye, 

"Well, uh, bye. Thanks for the ride home." I opened the car door, but I felt jack pull my arm. I turned around and jack grabbed my face and kissed me, I felt him force his tongue into my mouth, I smiled into the kiss as our tongues danced for dominance. He switched his position and sat on my lap. He continued kissing me and started undoing my belt.
Was I ready for this? 
I don't know.

He pulled my boxers and my jeans down, I was rock hard by now. He slid off my shirt and started trailing kisses down my stomach, he started kissing and nibbling my inner thigh.
What a tease.

"J-J-Jack" I moaned out
He ran his hand up my thigh and whispered in my ear.

"What do you want me to do, lexy?" He said seductively
I only gulped and then he leaned back down and put my length in his mouth.
I was literally a moaning mess above him. He brushed his tongue over the tip, and that drove me crazy.
He started bobbing his head up and down faster.

"Fucking hell, Jack" I moaned again, desperately. I knew I was close, and he knew it too. I started thrusting into his mouth and I finally came in his mouth, he swallowed it all like a pro. He looked up at me and then kissed me passionately. We pulled away a few minutes later and I started getting dressed.

"Alright cupcake, you should get going. Don't forget to return the favor." He winked, and I felt my face get hot. I nodded and smiled. He gave me one last kiss, and then I left. 

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