I never said i'd fight fair.

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*Jack's P.O.V*

"Fuck" He groaned

"Faster!" Alex shouted

"I'm trying!" I panted

"Harder!" He groaned

"I'm trying!" I said, still struggling.

I was openning the passenger's seat for alex when I noticed the seatbelt wouldn't unwrap itself from alex's body. I was leaning over alex's lap attempting to unwrap it from his body, finally, the seatbelt unclicked and we both sighed in relief. Alex has this friend named hayley, and she was throwing a party at her house. I didn't really know hayley all that well, all I knew is that she was pretty fun, well known in school, and had orange crazy hair. I really didn't want to go, I just wanted to spend the whole day with my boyfriend, making out and watching old movies and cuddling. Because why not? Alex kept whining and following me around my house going on and on about how he needed to go to her party because she helped him a lot. I eventually accepted and he cheered and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"Finally." He sighed. "What the fuck is wrong with your car seatbelts." he asked.

"I guess my seatbelts don't like you." I rolled my eyes. He scoffed and stepped out of the car, we started walking towards the house. It was 3 stories and it was painted blue and white. It looked like it was newly painted because it was very clean and no paint was peeling off the edges, I could feel the ground vibrating from the loud music. We climbed up the steps together, holding hands, I rung the doorbell with one of my hands. I could tell alex was nervous, his hand was sweating, I wanted to say 'I told you so' oh so badly but I knew that wouldn't fix anything. Instead, I gave his hand a tight squeeze and gave him a reassuring smile. He smiled back weakly. Alex doesn't really go to parties, unlike me, I admit I haven't been to a party in a while but I wasn't nervous. The door opened and hayley stood there with a red plastic cup in her hand, the house reeked of alcohol, not that I minded. She smiled and shouted over the loud music.

"I'm glad you guys could make it! Come in!" She grinned. We stepped into the house, there were a bunch of people dancing and many were clearly drunk. There were girls dancing on other guys, girls dancing on other girls, many of the girls were wearing tiny clothes. Mini skirts, short shirts that revealed their belly buttons, their faces were caked with makeup. In other words, they looked like total sluts. 
Well, at least they did to me. I don't know what a straight guy would think, they'd probably get an instant boner, but i'm gay. I noticed alex was no longer by my side, he was talking to hayley and other people I didn't recognize. I walked over to the table in the middle of the room and grabbed a beer. When I turned around I saw alex in the same spot he was before, but he wasn't talking to anyone, instead he was leaning against the wall with a beer in his hand. I walked over to him and grabbed his hand. 

"Hey cupcake" I said and kissed him.

"Hey jacky." He said and kissed me back sweetly. I grabbed his arm and pulled him onto the dance floor. It was crowded and sweaty, but I didn't care. I didn't want my lexy standing their awkwardly or feeling uncomfortable. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. 

"Come on love, loosen up." I said and kissed his neck. I started grinding on him, he was still very awkward. I grabbed two other beers from the table and handed it them to him. I told him to drink them and he looked at me like I was insane. 

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