Bury me till I confess

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*Jack's P.O.V* 

I wrapped my arms around his neck loosely and pressed my lips onto his roughly. He set his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him, I bit on his bottom lip and tugged on it a bit as I slipped my tongue in his mouth and wrapped my tongue around his, our tongues danced together eagerly. I tugged on his hair gently as I kissed him.
He started rubbing my croch and I gasped at the contact. I started unbuckling his belt, managing to not break the kiss. I slid his pants down along with his boxer briefs, I kneeled and took his length into my mouth. He arched his head back and moaned, I bobbed my head up and down and brushed my tongue along the tip. I lifted my head and started pumping his length and got between his legs, I started kissing his neck as he moaned in delight. 

"J-Jack, f-fuck m-m-me." He moaned.

"As you wish." I murmured in his ear. He unblucked my belt and slid my pants down along with my boxers, we quickly slid our shirts off, I grabbed a condom and a mini lube bottle from my pants that were on the floor and put it on. 

"You really have that in your pockets." Alex said

"I'm always prepared baby." I winked, he grinned and grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me in for a sloppy kiss. I continued pumping his length and brushed my thumb over the tip slowly. 

"J-Jack, please." Alex gasped. I smirked and licked his bottom lip and tugged on it gently. I pushed him onto the bed roughly. I got on top of him and kissed his neck slowly, I covered one finger with lube and pushed it into his enterance. He groaned and let out short breaths, I slipped another finger in and I started moving them in and out, his back arched and he moaned. 

"J-Jack, i'm r-ready." He said breathlessly. I smirked and nodded. 

"Turn around." I said, he quickly turned around giving me access to his enterance. I positioned myself in front of his enterance. I slowly pushed in and looked down at him, he was gripping the sheets for dear life. 

"Move." He said. 


"Move." He demanded. I nodded and moved in and out slowly, gripping his hips tighter, I moaned and groaned louder.

"Faster." He moaned. I moved in and out faster, I started ramming into him, I finally hit his sweet spot and his head snapped up and he moaned louder. 

"Oh god yes! Jack, there!" He yelled. 

I continued ramming on the same angle, he gripped the sheets until his knuckles were white and he was screaming my name and gasping for breath. I was exactly the same, I rammed into him faster and faster, sinking my nails into his back as I did so. He started jerking himself off and he came all over his chest. It wasn't long until I came into the condom. I pulled out and threw myself onto the bed and layed next to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. 

"I hope you guys aren't fuckin- oh my god." Hayley quickly covered her eyes.

"I see you guys made up." She continued while covering her eyes. 

"Yep." Alex sighed

"I'm totally burning those sheets." Hayley said. We both laughed as she awkwardly walked out of her room. 

(A/N) : Short smutty chapter, i'm not sorry. 

But I am sorry for not posting in a v long time. I wanted to make 'I'm Falling Back' longer bc it's v short. But um yeah, i've had a lot of school and family things going on so i'm sorry for the long wait. Also, my internet stops working at night so everything gets very slow and it's annoying as fuck. 



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