No means No.

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*Jack's P.O.V*

I sighed as alex walked out of the classroom. 

The sound of him moaning my name totally turned me on. I groaned in frustration. I went to my next class where I literally just stared at alex, he seemed so uneasy and tense. I loved it. I stared him down the whole period, he would take quick glances of me to see if I was still staring, and indeed I was. After a few minutes the bell rang and we had to go to lunch. 

A group of my friends stood in the wall way, and alex walked past them. I saw that they were pointing at him and laughing. I had the perfect idea, I chuckled silently to myself and ran over to alex making sure he didn't hear my footsteps.

As soon as I reached him, I run even faster and slapped his ass. Then I stood in front of him and smiled sweetly. I looked over at my group of friends who were on the floor laughing. I looked back at alex's face who looked like he was so shocked, but extremely mad. 


"Heeey cupcake, chill"

"Do you not fucking get it jack?! I'm not fucking gay."

"Do you really think I give a shit. I understand you just met me, but c'mon." 

he looked unsure of something and he started looking at the floor.

"Well lexy, I have to get to lunch. I'll see you there, maybe?" I smirked and gave him a quick peck on the lips and walked downstairs to the lunchroom. I could hear my friends cheering me on for what I just did. I laughed lightly and sat in front of Rian and Zack. They looked pissed off.

"Is someone on their period?"

they both rolled their eyes.

"I'll take that as a yes then."

"No jack, you should really leave the poor kid alone." zack said

"Poor kid? Who the-"

"Alex" rian said.

"You really think i'm gonna give up on him? Do you not see how cute and attractive he is?"

They both scoffed.

I looked over at alex who was sitting at a table alone with his headphones in, I didn't even notice he walked in. Lisa, the popular slutty bitch, sat in front of him and started flirting with him. I frowned and got up from my seat, not until zack pulled on my wrist.

"Jack? What are you doing? He's fucking straight, leave him be."

"So were the rest, I know what i'm doing." I snatched my wrist away from his grip and made my way to the table.

I walked over to lisa and tapped her shoulder. She turned around and frowned.

"Excuse you." I said, soon the whole lunch room was silent.

"What?" she said in the bitchiest tone i've ever heard

"I see you're not that bright, love. I fucking said, excuse you."

She rolled her eyes and sighed then got up from her seat and walked away. Then, the lunch room was back to its regular gossiping. I sat in front of alex and grinned.

"Hey there, sexy lexy."

"Uh, hey."

I played with his thin fingers and he suddenly tensed up

"What's up, love?"


"That's a lie."

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