Part 7

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best. Even though everyone would be awake it would be really easier to find them." Sky said showing the layout of the place on different sheets of paper. They all agreed.

Sean said speaking us,"We should split into three groups. The first group should go for Meghan and Lani while the second group should go get Samheed. The third will should stay on the ship so we can escape. I think twenty minutes would be more than enough. If you don't come back-"

"Hey guys what's going on with the ship. It wont turn and stop!" said the captain who was steering the ship.

Sean ran towards the hull and grabbed the steering wheel. He spinned it all the round but it still kept going. Cursing he took a step back as they all watched as the passed the island.

Sean cursed and sat down. Alex yawned and thought about why the ship would work by itself. Alex then remembered about ghost ships and how they were able to move by themselves.

He looked at Sean and walked up to him who watched the island pass. Alex said "Hey Sean, I think we might be on a ghost ship."

"Ya, thats what im thinking too. We'll just have to wait until we reached the destination." Sean said. "Ima go to sleep."

He passed by Alex and patted him on the shoulders and walked below decks. Alex looked around the deck and watched as people began to wander below decks.

Soon it was Alex and the captain. Alex looked at the moon as it shined brightly in the dark sky. He sighed and leaned over the edge of the ship looking into the deep murky waters.

Alex felt something trying to rip from his spine, but Alex held the pain in and tried to keep it in.

He grimaced as the pain started to hurt badly now. Alex went downstairs and saw several people sleeping. He past them and went down another floor where all the food and other things was kept.

Alex felt the urge to scream as the pain was incredibly great now. Alex bit down hard on his lip and curled into a ball, keeping the urge to scream. Blood started to fall from his lips but he didn't care.

Alex muttered, "Please not now, not now." and fell unconscious.

Alex was shaken awake as someone shook him. Alex's eyes fluttered open and immediately fell on the golden eyes.

Alex quickened at the sight of her.

"Alex, were almost there." Alex got up and put a finger on his lip. His bit mark was gone. He sighed knowing that anytime he would brake.

They passed by a few people who were eating. Alex saw someone looking at him from a corner who had his eyes narrowed at him. Alex ignored him and got to the top of the deck.

Soon enough, Alex saw the island. It was a volcano which looked like had zero life on it. Not even any bush or trees. Alex the remembered the story about a city under this island and how the volcano moved above the water every ten hours. The boat also seemed to stop moving as if it was not haunted anymore.

Alex looked at Sky who was also looking at the island with a few other. He then looked around looking for Sean to tell him about what he knew about the island and about the pirates that lived under it.

He saw Sean next to the captain. Sean saw Alex walking over to them and smiled at him.

"Do you know anything about this island as well?" Sean asked.

"Yes," Alex said, "This island is quite strange. The island goes up and down every ten hours but underneath this island, there is a small city of pirates that live under it. It seems like the ship was created here and wanted to come back to its homeplace. So we might stay here for a while."

Sean frowned at the news but smiled again and looked at Alex. "Are the pirates friendly?"

"Don't know." Alex shrugged and looked at Sky who was now helping somebody to move somethings. She saw him staring and waved with one arm and smiled at him. Alex smiled back. Alex promised right then and there that he would protect her no matter what. Even if it caused him his life.

Sean patted his shoulder and shouted so everyone could hear, "We will wait a couple of hours and see what happens! No one is to get on that island for now."

Everyone nodded or grunted in agreement and continued what they were doing.

"Alex if you don't mind, I would like it for you to go into the sea and look at the small city you told me about." Sean asked Alex.

"Why do you want me to do it?" Alex said.

"I was told you could hold your breath for a vast amount of minutes and that you are a great swimmer." Sean said.

Alex thought about it and shrugged, "Sure" was all he said.

Sean smiled at him and clasped his hands together saying and said "Great. I would like for you to go anytime around now."

"I could go now. I've got nothing to do." Alex responded.

"Even better. If you need anything just ask me." said Sean. Alex nodded and took off his shoes and his two swords. He handed the over to Sean along with his shirt.

Sean frowned at the sight of Alex's chest for it was covered in scars. Other people on the ship also froze and looked at Alex for all the scars caught their attention. Alex ignored the looks and with spear in hand dived into the sea.

Alex swam down towards the lights. Once down, Alex ripped part of his pants and grabbed a nearby rock. He tied them together and then tied it to his left leg. Alex stood still for a moment seeing if the rock was heavy enough to hold him down.

Seeing that it was heavy enough, Alex walked towards the city. Looking at it closer he could see that the city was covered by thick glass.

Alex then saw someone come out of a door that seemed to help people move in and out of the place. He immediately dropped down and grabbed some seaweed in the ground.

The person had a male like figure and had a helmet which seemed to help him breath underwater. He had metal claws in both hands and picked up some crabs.

He had a sword attached to his side. Alex crouched and readied his spear. He aimed it at the man's legs. Alex intended to make the spear go through one leg and into the other making him unable to swim back.

Alex closed his eyes and opened them. He pulled his arm back and threw it with all his strength sending it through the water. Alex as fast as he could towards the man as the spear did exactly what he intended to do.

Alex could hear the man scream in the helmet and tried to go back to the door. Alex grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back. Alex grabbed his sword with his other hand and cut the rock off his leg.

The man tried to get off his firm grasps as Alex swam back up with him.

Once out of the water, Alex breathed in a deep breath of air, and breathed in and out. Alex saw the ship and put both hands around they guys chest and swam backwards towards it.

It seemed the man fell unconscious to the pain. He heard someone call out behind him and heard footsteps running towards the edge of the ship.

Alex, who was now directly near it, asked for someone to help him pull the guy up. After a few minutes they got the guy out of the water. Everyone was crowded around the guy as he lay unconscious on the ships deck. They were looking at the spear that were through his legs. Some were surprised to see this while others seemed to be disgusted.

Sean walked over to Alex and handed him a towel which Alex wrapped around himself.

"Where did you get him?" Sean asked looking at the man. Now seeing it up close, Alex could see that the man seemed to be around thirty years old. Someone took off the helmet helping him breath in the water.

"I found him in front of an entrance to the place. I thought that if i could bring him up here, we could know something." Alex said who watched as a nurse pulled out the legs.

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