The Rebellion

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Sophie and the others gasped. The Councillor must have been taken by force. Dex pulled an item from his pocket and held it out. He read the tiny screen. "There were seventeen shots from a melder fired here. I can detect impact points for only sixteen." Dex said, looking concerned. "Bronte must have been hit." Alden said. "Let's hope he's still alive." He turned to Fitz. "Get everyone back to Everglen right now. I need to go notify the other councillors." As soon as Alden leaped away, Biana grabbed the home crystal from Fitz. "What are you doing?" he demanded angrily. "Oh please. A Councillor's in danger. Dad can't possibly expect us to stay home." Biana said. "As much as I hate to say it, she's right." Sophie admitted. "Bronte kidnapped and a Cache stolen? This sounds like the Neverseen."

Dex grinned. Once again, they were off on yet another life-or-death adventure. Biana turned to him. "My dad has a crystal to the outskirts of Ravagog. Do you think you can get into his office?" Dex blushed. "Uhh, sure." Fitz sighed and leaped everyone back to Everglen. Dex immediately pulled out a device and cut through the door to Alden's office. Fitz had already sat down and was writing a note to Alden to say sorry. Sophie walked up. "Believe me Fitz, I don't want to do this either. But you know how the Councillors are. It could be days before they send someone." Fitz frowned. The Councillors would do that, yes. Someone coughed. Dex was standing in the doorway holding up a leaping crystal. Fitz started to grab it, but Dex pulled away. "Not so fast, Wonderboy." He gestured to the registry pendant on Fitz's neck. "Gotta take care of these guys." Dex snipped off each pendant, and said, "everyone's waiting in the living room."

Biana stood up, holding a purple leaping crystal. "We just have a quick stop to make. We're picking up Linh and Tam. I talked to them over Imparter and they want to help." Keefe put on a goofy grin. "Great, I get to annoy Bangs Boy again! It's been too long." Fitz rolled his eyes. Biana lifted the purple crystal and leapt them to the headquarters of the Black Swan.

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