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The group arrived quickly in the ogre city, and Fitz pushed everyone into an alleyway. "Okay, everyone. If we're not careful, we could all get killed. We need to find the Cache. That's our first priority. After we bring the Cache to Everglen we can look for Bronte."
Sophie nodded, her blond hair bouncing. "Sounds like a good plan to me. We should start in the most obvious place. The palace." Dex nodded. "I've modified an Obscurer to cover us all." "It doesn't have to cover us all..." Tam said, withdrawling into his shadows. Linh smacked him. "You're not impressing anyone. Stop the mysterious stuff."
Dex turned on the Obscurer and the group moved quietly through the streets of the foreign city. They eventually reached the palace gate. "Great." Biana said, frowning at the enourmous padlock. Dex grinned at her and started trying to pick the lock. All of the sudden, three figures in black approached. They were holding shining weapons. Melders. As they got nearer, Sophie saw the white eye symbols engraved on their cloaks.

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