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Fitz slowly pulled out a Melder. "You get inside, I'll take care of these guys." Biana snorted and shook her head. "No way. We stay together." Sophie nodded. "Besides, we need to capture them, not kill them. If we can bring even one to the Black Swan, they can do a memory break on him." One of the Neverseen pulled back his hood. It was Alvar. Fitz aimed his Melder and glared. "Oh, please." Alvar smirked. "We both know you don't have the guts to do this. You'll break your own mind." Sophie pushed down the Melder in Fitz's hands. "What do you want?" she asked Alvar coldly. "Simple. I assumed you knew the goal of the Neverseen." Keefe shrunk back. One of the Neverseen gestured widely to him. "Ah, there's the little spy. Get him." It was Fintan. Alvar walked toward Keefe, clearly intent on taking him prisoner. Use your Inflicting on him, Fitz transmitted to Sophie.  She cleared her head, focused all her anger at Alvar, and pulled on the knot of emotions under her ribs. All of the sudden, a force field flashed around him. Alvar smirked at Sophie's concentration. "Oh, please. You think I wouldn't bring Ruy?" The third Neverseen member nodded and morphed the force field until it contained only Alvar and Keefe. Alvar vanished and quickly reappeared, his arms around Keefe. Grunting, he pulled Keefe away holding the Melder to his head. "You even try to Inflict on me, I'll fire the Melder." he told Sophie. Dex quietly tapped a button on his watch, and looked with pleading eyes at her. Sophie quickly entered his mind. I disabled all the tech near us. That Melder is useless. he thought. Thanks, Sophie said, and immediately began her Inflicting. Alvar keeled over in pain. "Now" he wheezed at Fintan. Fintan threw a ball of flame at the gate to Ravagog. It exploded, and they all saw what it really was.

The eternal fire.


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