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The Everblaze flickered up the gate and it began to melt. The three Neverseen leaped away, and Sophie, Fitz, Biana, Dex, Keefe, Linh, and Tam were left with the melting gate. Over the roar of the flames, Fitz yelled, "We need to get to Eternalia! We need frissyn to put out the Everblaze!" Sophie nodded and pointed to a cliff in the distance. As the Keepers were running towards the cliff, the gate collapsed in an explosion of flame. When they reached the edge of the cliff, Sophie warned them: "I've never teleported this many people before. It may be a bumpy ride." Keefe smirked. "Foster, we're jumping off of a cliff. Of course it's going to be a bumpy ride."  Everyone held the hand of the person beside them, and they jumped. With a crack of thunder, the Keepers slipped into the void.

They arrived in Eternalia, and Sophie pointed to the pink mansion. "Oralie will believe us and she'll act quickly." They hurried to the house , and Sophie knocked. The soft-spoken Councillor opened the door, and when she saw all of the teenagers, she sighed. "What can I do for you?" Fitz spoke up. "We were on our way to Ravagog-" Oralie interrupted. "Why exactly were you going to the ogre city?" Sophie looked around frantically, but Tam said, "we were on a mission from the Black Swan." Oralie nodded. "Continue." "Well, the Neverseen ambushed us while we were trying to get past the gate." Fitz explained. "Fintan Pyren set the wall on fire with Everblaze, and we need frissyn to put it out." Oralie stood, and led the group to a locked door. She pulled out a key and entered. A few seconds later, she came back out with a tube of silver powder. "Here." she said, handing the container to Sophie. "Go quickly. The elves are the only ones capable of creating Everblaze. If their city burns, it will cause a war.  I'm going to contact the rest of the Councillors so this doesn't turn into a diplomatic mess."

Biana removed the leaping crystal to Ravagog out of her pocket and a beam of light swept everyone away.  The gate to the city was fully melted and the edge of the city was burning as well. Sophie turned to her friends. "We need to use telekinesis to spread the frissyn on the Everblaze." She quickly opened the tube and poured a small amount of the substance into each person's hands. Sophie started, and everyone else followed: they lifted the powder with their minds and gently dropped pinches over the flames. Eventually, the fire was put out. 

Sophie sighed. The Neveseen had gotten away and they had burned down the gate to the city of the ogres. "We need to go." she told the others. "Dimitar could be here any second, and we can't be seen here." Keefe grinned. "Ah, we can fight old iron-diaper!" Sophie nearly smacked him. "No, Keefe. He's an ogre. Besides, we have no reason to be here anyway." "Well, actually-" Dex began. "Nope." Sophie stopped him. "We've caused enough trouble already. We'll come back tomorrow." "If I'm not grounded..." Fitz muttered. "Eh, when has that ever stopped us before?" Keefe said. They each pulled out their home crystals and leaped away. None noticed a small figure walk out of the alleyway.

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