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A/N: I just realized that Keefe doesn't live at Candleshade, he lives at the Shores of Solace. So, let's just pretend that this is sometime in between Lodestar and Nightfall. 

Keefe shimmered into Candleshade. His father, Lord Cassius, was standing at the door with a scowl on his face. "You realize you're going to get killed someday."  "Yep. But I don't really care," Keefe replied sharply.  He stepped into the vortinator and zoomed up to his room. A few minutes later, he heard his Imparter ring. He sighed and picked it up. It was Foster and the Fitzter. He mussed up his hair, put on his signature smirk, and tapped the screen. "Hey, Foster. Just can't get enough of me, can you?" Sophie frowned. "I wanted to warn you. Grady is on his way, and he's super mad because he thinks you came up with the idea to go to Ravagog." Keefe's smirk fell. "Uhh, you said Grady's after me? Okay, I've got to go-"

Grady opened the door.

Fitz quickly closed the connection with Keefe. "Okay - that did not go as planned. Your dad is scarily fast." Sophie sighed. "So, are we going to return to Ravagog tomorrow?" Frowning, Fitz said, "I don't know. Dad has the leaping crystal again, and now his office has security goblins." "That's okay. I think I know how we can get to the inside of the gates." Sophie said. "See you later, Fitz." "Bye, Soph." Her Imparter went black. She tripped down the stairs and out the door to Calla's Panakes. 

The little gnome named Flori was sitting at the foot of it while singing. She finished her quiet song, and Sophie clapped. The little creature jumped and turned around. "Sophie!" she greeted her. "Hey, Flori. I've come to ask a favor." "Sure, ask away!" "Can you tunnel us to Ravagog tomorrow? We have to get one of the Councillors' caches back." "Sure!" the bright gnome said. "You can meet me right here with all of your friends."

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