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Sophie woke in a cold, metal chair in a dark room. She yanked, but her arms were tied to the steel armrests. Her mind flashed back to her and Dex's capture all those years ago. And now it was only her. Alone. Captured by the Neverseen.

A lady entered the room. "Lady Giesla." Sophie snarled. "Tsk, tsk, Sophie. I would be nice to the Neverseen if you want to stay alive." She pulled out a test tube. "However, you may not be able to be nice when you're asleep. She pulled the stopper and used a small brush to remove a dab of purple gel. Soporidine. Sophie jerked again at her bonds. "Come on, we both know you're not going to get out of that. Now be still; this won't hurt a bit." She walked forward and opened Sophie's palm. She dragged the brush across the surface, and Sophie's consciousness faded.

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