Chapter 11

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We finally reach LA after such a long and tiring journey. I walk with David who is carrying our bags. 

"What happened to Gabriel?" I ask him out of curiosity. 

"He got fired." he replies as he puts our bags on the trolley. 

"Right," I say. 



"Mr Styles did the right thing. I don't know what goes on between you two but you are and will be his wife after all, April." 

"Hmm, I know." I say in a low voice. 

"Hey, he is not a bad guy. Don't you worry." David cheers me up, "Alright, I gotta rush." he says and hurriedly put the bags in the trunk of the car. 

"Sure," I smile. When we turn I see Harry's arm wrapped around a pretty lady. 

"You will be slow as a turtle," she says to David. 

"Slow and steady wins the race, babe!" he says delightfully and kisses her passionately causing Harry to let go of her. 

"Now, now," Harry says to David, "Remember she is still mine." 

"Sir, you can't have all of them. At least leave this one for me, please!" he chuckles. 

"I'll think about it." Harry jokes, "You two have fun! And David be easy on her." he smirks. 

"I'll try." David smirks back. 

"Stop it you two," the lady covers her face with her hands. 

"Look at you, blushing!" Harry kisses her cheek, "Take care, love. You too David. And take the day off tomorrow." he smiles. Aww, they are such a cute couple. Most of all, Harry is so caring for them. That's so sweet. 

"Oh, by the way," she says, "I heard you cheated on me and got married!" she hits Harry's arm playfully. 

"Yeah," he turns serious again which makes me feel bad. My mood suddenly spoiled. 

"She is April," Harry introduces me, "And April this Andrea, David's girlfriend." 

"April!" Andrea exclaims, "So nice to meet you!" 

"It's nice to meet you too," I smile. 

"Alright, April let's go," Harry says to me, "David is getting restless!" We all laugh as David turns red. Aww, so sweet. David is one of the sweetest persons. 

Since David and Andrea took a cab Harry drives to his home. As soon as the car stops in front of the house, Gemma rushes out and opens the car door. She doesn't even give me a chance to get out of the car and hugs me. 

"Missed you too, Gemma," I pat her back. She gives me a cheeky smile and run towards Harry. He grins as soon as he sees her and hugs her. 

"How have you been dumbo?" he asks. 

"I have been good!! I missed you!!" she hugs him tightly. He hugs her back. 

"Unfortunately, I missed you too!" he smiles at her showing his cute dimples.

Harry and Gemma go inside and one of Harry's servants comes to carry our bags. 

"Do you need help?" I ask him. 

"No, thank you Mrs Styles," he smiles warmly at me. 

As I enter the house, I observe it for the first time. That last time I was here we were discussing about the wedding and all and I was lost in my own thoughts. Anne, Harry and Gemma were sitting on the sofa of the living room, talking about what happened while we were gone. 

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