Chapter 13

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Harry's secretery opens the door for me. She's so damn beautiful. She has curly blond hair and a perfect figure. I wonder if Harry often hits on her, I would if I were a boy. I shake my head to get rid off my stupid thoughts.

I think I could win a Nobel Prize for my stupidity. I hit my toe at the coffee table and fall. My body hits the ground and I experience a sharp pain in my elbow. Shit! Why am I so clumsy?! I look up to see Harry sitting comfortably in his chair and busy in his laptop.

"Finally, you are here." he looks up, "April, this is not the time to make out with the floor!" he says in a completely plain tone.

"I'm not making out with the floor!" I snap and get up, "What kind of a person would make out the a floor?"


"No I won't!"

"Well, you did it. When you were drunk." he rolls his eyes and opens the door for us to move out.

I turn red from embarrassment. Damn that day! I follow Harry to his dad's office. Robin is already waiting for us with the paperwork. He makes us sign a few papers. While I'm reading the agreement of our marriage Robin and Harry discuss something in a low voice.

"April," Robin calls for me, "Prepare yourself to make a press statement."

"What? But I have never given one."

"Don't worry, just follow my lead." Harry says to me, "And for once on the face of this earth, do as I say." he says in a begging way.

"I will try." I give him a smile of triumph, "Will my dad be there?"

"Yes, of course." Harry answers.

"Alright, see you two at the press conference in next 15 minutes." Robin takes a leave leaving me and Harry alone.

For the next 15 minutes Harry lectures me on the dos and don'ts of the press conference. He tells me to behave myself, like I'm a 5 year old.

We move to the top floor of the building for the press conference. When I'm about to enter the hall Harry keeps his arms around my waist and I tense up.

"Relax, it's just for show." he whispers in my ear and shivers run down my spine.

"What the hell! I don't care! Stay away from me!" I try to push him away.

"Shh!" he shushes me and we enter the hall. The hall is full of media, cameras flashing everywhere, taking our pictures. The room is a complete chaos. I see my father sitting with Robin. Harry flashes a smile to everyone. I too force a smile. God, I hate it. I hate being around him.

"Good evening, everyone!" Robin starts, "I know you are eager to ask your questions to the newly wedded but please maintain the decorum and make it quick."

"Mr Styles how are you feeling with this sudden change in your life?" one of the reporters ask Harry.

"Well, I just want to say that I couldn't have been more lucky to have April in my life!" Harry intertwines his fingers in mine and keeps our hand on the table so that everyone could see. Man, he's such a show off.

"But, you already had a girlfriend Mr Styles. What about her?"

I could see Harry's jaw clench. What will he answer?

"That's my past. April is my present." he says with a straight face, "Now can we please move on to the next question."

"April does it bother you?" another reporter asks me.

"No, not at all. I trust him." I simply say.

"April Grey," someone from behind stands up, "Am I right?"

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