Chapter 42

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I lie on the grass panting and laughing with Angel, who looks very sleepy now. She lays her head on my arm, curling into me. I tug on her chubby cheeks making her giggle.

"April!" Harry rushes inside the garden. He had gone to attend an urgent call from the office a few minutes ago, while I played with Angel.

"We have to go." he says, panic evident in his voice. Behind him Amanda comes in to carry her sleeping cousin inside.

"What's up?" I get up and ask.

"April..." he trails off. His worry making me nervous. Something is definitely very wrong but why isn't he telling me?

"Your dad is sick. They are saying its a heart attack I'm so sorry." he says. I stare at him blankly as minutes pass by. I feel numb and I can't feel my heart anymore. My phone rings and I pick it up quickly, seeing my mom's number on the screen.

"April!" she says, panicking, panting, crying, "He just...he..." she tries to say something but her sobs restricts her, "They are saying...its...heart attack."

"Mom," I say, after so long, "Mom, calm down, please! I'm on my way." I motion Harry to get the car, "Mumma, calm down. Daddy is a fit man, there is no way he is having a heart attack. I mean all those jogging and exercise is going to pay off, okay? Now, please maintain your calm I'm on my way. Mumma, I love you, I'll be there." I say as I close the car's door.

Harry races the car not caring about the honking and shouting he gets as he drives with the speed of light. We reach the hospital and I feel tears falling threatening to come out of my eyes.

"Honey!" mom hugs me as I reach her. Her eyes are swollen from the tears, I cup her face and kiss her head.

"Mrs Grey." the doctor comes out of the room. We wipe our tears and turn our attention to him, "Your husband is absolutely fine. He didn't have a heart attack. It's just a gastric attack." he smiles at us and laughter escapes my mouth. Gastric attack? Seriously dad? You scare the living life out of us by having gastric pain?

"Can I see him?" mom asks the doctor with clenched jaw. Oh, somebody is in danger!

"Of course, as I said there is nothing to worry about, he's absolutely okay." My mom goes inside and as I follow her. "I think you should give them some privacy." the doctor stops me, "You are their daughter?" he asks.

"Yes," I say proudly.

"Here, some medicines to avoid this type of condition again." he hands me a piece of paper, "The pharmacy is down the hall." he points to my right.

As he hands me the prescription we hear my mom shouting.

“Andrew Grey! How many times have a told you not to eat that disgusting street meat of yours! Do you know how worried I was?! Do you know how worried April was?! I'm going to burn that stupid cart down...!! ”

“I should probably go.” the doctor says scratching the back of his head.

“Yes.” I smile at him.

I go down the pharmacy and buy the medicines, wondering where is Harry. I lost him as soon as we entered the hospital. I enter the room where my dad is sitting on the bed with monitors beeping beside him. I run and hug him.

"I'm sorry daddy." I sob. He shushes me and brushes my hair. When I pull away Harry and the doctor enter at the same time.

"How are you feeling, Mr Grey?" both of them ask at the same time. Harry chuckles and walks to my side.

"I'm okay now." my dad replies.

"Great, take care." the doctor takes a leave and my dad turns to Harry.

"Thank you very much, Harry, for everything you have done..."

"Mr Grey, please. I'm April's husband. I have done nothing new. It's my duty to take care of her."

"You have proved we made the right decision, son." my dad smiles at me and Harry. He looks so content.

We take his discharge from the hospital and on our way home I tell my parents about Gwen. After reaching my parent's home I'm so tired that as soon as hit the bed sleeps takes over me. I wake up in the middle of night to find no sign of Harry. I get up and move to the living room. He's talking to someone on the phone, his back facing me.

"Yes, everything should go as planned! I promise there will be no screw ups!" he assures. I wonder if he's talking business, "Yes, I'll make sure no one knows about us, is it fine now? Who? Oh no, don't worry about her." Her? Is he referring to me? "She's too innocent and naive to know anything." Definitely me. "Yes, I'll do that after this is over. In fact I don't think she'll mind it as well." I could feel a smirk on his face.

What the hell is he talking about? To whom? Definitely not business because business shouldn't involve me. As soon as feel him getting up I silently run to my room.

"April? Love, you are awake?" Harry catches me standing in the room. Phew! At least he doesn't know I was eavesdropping his conversation.

"Hungry?" he asks me, sliding his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

"No." I answer. He kisses my forehead, then nose, then cheeks, then lips. He moves backwards until we are on the edge of the bed. He gently drops me on the bed and starts kissing my neck.

My mind, on the other hand is still focused on his conversation. He's definitely hiding something from me. Maybe someone. What's going on with him? Will he tell me if I ask him? Am I doing a mistake trusting him so fast? The thought send chills down my spine and I close my eyes.

By the time I focus back on Harry's moves I'm already out of my shirt. He hasn't noticed I'm way to distracted to answer any of his physical attempts to please me. Suddenly I freeze as the thought strikes me. Is there someone else? Is he using me physically? Will he leave me as soon as the plan works out?

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