Chapter 47

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What? Before I could digest any of this, Harry turns to leave.

"Harry, wait!" I try to grab his hand. He gets out of my grip but doesn't leave.


"I don't...I..." I try to form words but all that comes out are tears, "Ahh, my head!" the moderate ache in my head has now increased to unbearable pain.

"April!" he reaches out for me as both my hands cover my temple.

"Arghh, my head!"

"I'll call the doctor."

"No, argh! Harry, don't go!" I continue to cry, "Don't... leave... me...Arghh..."

"Please April, stop crying. Look I'm here, I'm with you." he sits besides me, "I...I..." he trails off.

"You?" I push him. What is the end of that sentence?

"April I..." he's cut off by opening of door. My mom grabs our attention.

"What are you doing here?" my mom says with disgust as she sees Harry sitting so close to me.

"Leaving, ma'am." he says and gets up but I grab his hand. A wave of sharp pain pass my head causing me to grab his arm tightly.

"Aah! My head! Harry! My head!"

"Sweetheart, lay down." my mom says. I feel the bed moving down. I don't let go of Harry's hand, at least not until I lose consciousness again.

When I wake again, my mom is sitting on the couch with a magazine in her hand and Harry nowhere in sight.

"Mummy," I say.

"Yes sweetheart!" she gets up and comes closer to me.

"Where is he?"

"Forget about him, sweetheart. He's gone now. Gone forever. He signed the divorce papers. Although I was a little surprised he signed them so easily, but then when I said you wanted a divorce he agreed pretty quickly. Anyways to hell with that boy. How are you feeling?"

"Mom! My baby!" I say as tears dwell up in my eyes again.

"Honey, did you want to keep it?"

"Yes, of course! It was my baby!"

"Honey, I have to tell you something..." she trails off.


"Uh...the thing is...umm..."

"What is it, mom?"

"Your baby is absolutely fine. I lied to Harry. But sweetie, it was only because I wanted to keep him away from you. He refused to leave your side after the police rescued you..."

"Mom! How could you do this to him?" I jerk up, instantly I feel sharp pain through my head, "How could you?!" I say loudly.

"Why are you taking his side, honey? He cheated on you."

"No! He didn't! It was an act by the person who kidnapped me. He told me this. Harry is innocent mumma!"

"What?" she says, shocked by the news, "Oh my God. What have I done?" she sinks into the chair beside me, "I made him sign the divorce papers."

"Mom, I have to talk to him. Let me out of here!"

"No, sweetie. You are not well. I'll call him here, don't worry. I'll have to clean up the mess I created."

My head turns to the clock and it's 11:45 in the evening. Shit! It's too late for today.

"Mom, it's too late. He must be tired as well. Let's wait till tomorrow." She agrees with me. After some time the nurse comes in to check on me. Apparently, that douche bag Dan hit me in the head with his gun very hard but since my beanie is very strong he survived this. I'm so proud of you, beanie!

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