chapter 26

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I wake to feel a heavy weight on me. I am lying on my stomach and Harry is lying on me, his arms wrapped around my waist. Why does this keep happening? Is it out of habit that Harry does that every night? Am I that heavy sleeper that I don't come to know? 

"Arghh!" I groan and try to get out of his grip but he tightens it. I'm starting to feel hot with his weight on me. 

"Harry," I finally say, "Get off me." 

"Hmm..." he hums but doesn't move. After a few seconds he turns to his back finally getting off me. I have to tell him to stop this. He can't touch me, hug me, kiss me whenever he wants! A sudden burst of anger fills me. 

We are in the theatre room so I go across the hall to take a shower and freshen up. I wrap a towel around my body and enter the closet. I dress into a jeans and tank top. When I come out Harry is back in his room and sleeping on the bed with his legs and hands spread wide. He seems relaxed. Well he should get a day off. He works all the time, his phone almost never stops beeping. I grab the bottle of lotion and sit on the couch to apply it. 

As I brush my hair Harry's phone beeps multiple times. His eyebrows furrow indicating his sleep is being disturbed. I reach over to the side table and put his phone on a silent mode. I move downstairs to the kitchen to make some breakfast for me, but Mary is already there working on sausages and French toast. 

"Good morning, ma'am!" she says with a smile. 

"Mary, what are you doing here so early in the morning." I look at the clock in the kitchen it's only 8 o'clock. 

"Ma'am I live here, it's not a big deal for me." she says. 

"You live here?" 

"Yes, there is a servant quarter at the back of the house. Mr Styles had it specially made for us." she smiles. 

"Oh!" I say, "Can I help?" 

"No, ma'am we are not allowed to ask you for it." 

"It's no problem," 

"You can wait on the dinning table, I'll bring your breakfast soon." I agree with her move towards the dinning area. 

"Who the fuck touched my phone?!" I hear Harry shouting from upstairs. Oh no, he is going to kill me. I squeeze my shut in fear as I hear his footsteps coming downstairs. 

"Mary! Did you enter my room?!" he shouts.

"No, sir." she answers in a low voice. 

"Then who..." he stops as he sees me. My fearing eyes meet his, man, why do I do this? 

"You!" he shouts and both Mary and I flinch, "I want you upstairs. Now." he says trying to keep his voice calm. I dare not to move from my place. "Now!" he yells from the stairs. I get up and follow him upstairs. 

"Harry... I thought..." I try to cover up. 

"You thought!" he shouts and slams the door shut, "Not once, not twice, not thrice I have told fucking multiple times to stay the hell away from me!" he shouts at me, "But you just keep sticking your nose around!" he breaths heavily. I look down not saying a word. 

"You say, why do I keep hurting you, right? I'll give you an answer. Because you goddamn irritate me with your fucking curiosity! I try to be okay with you by ignoring you or even by watching movie with you! But no! That doesn't give you any satisfaction! What the hell do you want from me April Grey?! Do you even know how much loss you have caused me by putting my phone on silent?! Urghh, fuck you make it so hard to keep calm!! You know what? You want money right?" he leaves the room leaving me wondering and afraid. Is he going to hit me? I shake the question away. No, he'll never do that. I have to trust him. 

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