Chapter 22

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"Harry," the word leaves my mouth like a gasp. 

"Hey buddy, what's up?" Zayn asks calmly. Harry's chest is moving up and down as he breathes deeply to control is anger. I am dead. This time it isn't him, it's me who fucked up. He had already warned me not once but many times to stay out of his personal shit and I have done the exact opposite everytime. 

"You happen to be cheating on me with my damn gold digger wife." Harry blurts trying best to keep his voice down. 

I almost laugh at his words. It's sounds as if Zayn and Harry were in a relationship and it's so funny. They were you stupid girl, it's called friendship which you just ruined... My subconscious scolds me again. But she's right. I shouldn't have done that and yet my brain is imagining Harry and Zayn together in this dead serious situation. 

"April, tell him." I snap out, as Zayn yells at me, "You here?" Fuck, I missed a moment. Harry is now in the living room pacing back and forth. 

"How could you Zayn?!" Harry says repeatedly. 

"Harry buddy I didn't tell her anything. April tell him." 

"Yes," I agree. 

"You shut the fuck up!" he finally shouts, "I should have known! It's my fault! I should have known you would do something like this!" 

"No, you are getting it wrong Harry. She was just trying to know you better, but I understand you don't want to share with her and that's why didn't tell her anything."

"Yes Harry, Zayn is a wonderful friend of yours. He totally refused me. But I was not doing this to know was just...."

"Yeah of course, I was just part of your plan!" he shouts 

"No, it was just curiosity!" I defend. 

"Yeah, give the girl a chance Harry." I am so surprised Zayn is taking my side. We just met. He doesn't know anything about me and yet... God, he is such an amazing person. 

"You don't know her Zayn! Don't believe the bullshit she says or her eyes. They are all lies! She is in it for money and that's it..." 

"Are you sure? 'Cause I remember you telling us about the fight you two had when she refused to take your credit card in Paris. Harry you have to think a moment with a calm mind here." 

He thinks for a while then sits down on the sofa rubbing his temples. 

"No, no, no! She is just trying to separate us and that's all! She is trying to take you away from me!" he stands up, "I need some air." he says and leaves the room. 

"Harry!" I yell and my legs automatically run after him. 

"Wait!" Zayn grabs my arm to stop me. 

"Zayn leave me!" I struggle out of his grip. 

"Just grab your coat," he says. I quickly grab my coat and run after Harry. It's snowing heavily out here. 

I run in search of Harry but I don't find him anywhere. I am now in a strange ally and it's very dark here. I see a bunch of figures moving across the other end but I'm pretty sure Harry is not one of them. So I turn back to move back to Zayn's house. I see some boys on their bikes racing around. That must be fun. I have been in New York for 3 weeks now and I haven't seen shit here. A hand grabs my wrist tightly and turns me around. 

"Harry!" I say instinctively. But I find a boy wearing black leather jacket with a knife in his hand. 

"Give me all the money you have!" he says. 

"Oh really?" I laugh, "Or else what?" what a ridiculous joke this is. 

"See this? This isn't fake?" he points at his knife. 

"Yeah right." I continue to laugh and jerk my hand out of his grip. 

"Hey! Give me your money!" he puts the knife near my throat. 

"Oh my God!" I hear someone say behind me. I turn to look it's Harry running towards me. 

"Oh my God!" he says again with wide eyes as he approaches us. 

"Are you okay?" he asks, not me but the boy with the knife. What the hell! "Sir? Did she hurt you?" he says as he moved closer to the boy. 

"Hey! Stay away!" the boy points his knife but Harry doesn't stop. The boy punches Harry in the face. That's it! I have had enough of this kid! I move towards him and try to snatch the knife from his hand. I see two more boys dressed in the same outfit run towards us. I kick the boy in the gut and throw the knife away. 

"Go home kids! It's a school night!" I shout. Harry grabs my wrist and drags me out but we get surrounded by teenagers. They have weapons like chain, guns etc. Man this is serious. 

"What do they want?" I whisper to Harry. 

"Money. Just money." he whispers back. 

Four boys grab Harry out of the blue and takes him away from me. They kick him again and again in the gut. 

"Harry!" I shout. Oh my God! His face is covered with pained expressions. I almost cry seeing this. They continue to beat him as he cries out in pain. He is trying do something but it's one against four. I see the boy whom I kicked take out a gun. Oh my God! He points it towards Harry. No, no, no, no way! 

I run and grab the boy's wrist. I try to pull his hand down. He pushes me away, I pull the gun but fail to take control. I hear Harry shouting my name again and again as the boys hit  him but I'm too busy fighting for the gun. The boy pulls the trigger and I hear a loud gunshot. 

"April!!!" Harry shouts. I scream and hit the ground. Pain fills my body, I press my hand on my stomach. I hear police sirens, all the boys run and I close my eyes.

"April! April!" he places my head on his lap, his voice alarmed, "Oh my God!" 

Surprisingly the pain vanishes. Oh my God, I'm dead! I never thought this would how my end would come. 

"April? Where did the bullet hit you?" Harry asks. Wait! How can I hear him in heaven?

"April Grey! Get up!" he instructs and my eyes instinctively pop open. I look down to find no sign of bullet or blood. 

"I'm not dead." I announce. 

"Yes, you are not!" he says with soft eyes. I see a cut across Harry's face. 

"Oh my God!" I get up and take his face in my palms. He flinches as I touch his cut. My hands travel down to his chest, down to his gut and he cries out. He's in pain, so much pain. Tears appear in my eyes seeing him like this. 

"Hey, what's up?" He asks seeing me crying. 

"You are in pain." 

"I'm fine," he looks down and removes my hands from his body. I close my eyes and suddenly I feel a cold pair of lips on mine. My eyes pop open, I see it's Harry whose kissing me. What the fuck?! I try pull away but he stops me by keeping is hand on my back. His tongue runs around my lower lip and it feels like heaven. An involuntary moan escapes my lips as he deepens the kiss. His hands travel to my lower back and he lifts me to his lap. Chills run down my spine. Am I seriously kissing him? Again my subconscious adds. My hands travel down his shirt and reach his torso and he cries out in pain and bites my lip. 

"Ahh!" I half cry half moan. He parts our lips and looks into my eyes. We stare at each other for a while and then burst out laughing in the middle of nowhere.

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