Chapter 45

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Pregnant? With Harry's child? No, no! My life can't be this unfair! If I had known two weeks ago maybe I would have been happy but right now is not the time!

"It's totally your decision," my dad takes my hand between his warm ones, "Whether you want to keep the baby or not. But," he adds and I gulp, "Whatever you do, he has the right to know."

"No he doesn't!" my mom snaps, "What makes you say that Andrew! That boy cheated on our daughter! He has the right to burn in hell and nothing accept that."

"Liz, will you stop your hysterical tantrums and think rationally? Harry is the father. He has to know!"

"Or does he?" I clear my throat and ask, "What of he doesn't want to do anything with this child and I would be just wasting my time and energy telling him this."

"That's not our problem. As I told you sweetheart, final decision is yours. Even if you want to keep the child we are with you, aren't we, Liz."

She thinks for a moment and turns towards me, "Of course we are. After all, this is my first grandchild!" that made me laugh and I realise that it's not only Harry's child, it's mine too. My first child. Out of what? Six? Or maybe even seven? What if I'm capable of giving rise to hundreds of children? Maybe that's my superpower. That would be cool, wouldn't it?

Eating that day was a major problem. This tiny little devil inside me hated almost everything except cakes and chocolates, lots and lots of chocolates. You are a momma's boy aren't you? Or girl.

The next day we went to the doctor. She said the baby is fine and even suggested a sonogram. We agreed to it and then I saw. Him? Her? It? What the hell is that? And where the hell is it? All I could see was black and white creatures floating here and there. My mom pulled the computer closer and pointed at a little bean shaped thing. That was it? Wow!

After the sonogram, I decide to face the reality. I dial Harry's number and in one ring he picks up.

"April? Oh my God! Is that really you calling?" heat rises to my cheeks hearing the excitement in his voice.

"Yes," I say, "I want to meet you. I I have something for you."

"Sure! Just name the place."

I called him to a coffee house few yards away from my house. I wait at the corner table and pass my time looking at the sonogram. My tiny little beanie is the cutest thing ever. I try to guess what exactly is he doing inside me. After lot of thinking I settle on the thought that he is momma's boy/girl so must be asleep. The door jerks open in front of me snapping me out of my thoughts. Harry enters the shop looking paler than ever. Oh my God! What happened to him? Is he sick? There are circles under his eyes so dark looks like he haven't slept for weeks. His skin so white almost transparent.

"Harry!" I gasp. I stand and involuntarily run towards him. Gravitation is a bitch! The force between our bodies is so damn strong that I somehow end up hugging him. Forgetting all about my tiny beanie and Kendall. His tensed muscles relax under my touch and he holds me tightly.

"I've missed you so much, Grey!" he whispers in a breaking voice. Suddenly it hits me! What the hell am I doing? This is the man that cheated on me. He played me! And now he is doing it again! No! April get out of his grip! Now!

So I do as my inner voice says. I pull back but just a little. I look up at him and my heart refuses to believe he's a con. His eyes! No! I pull back completely and move to the table. He follows me settles down in front of me. Taking my hands in his he lifts them to his lips placing a small kiss on them that sends shivers down my spine. I quickly tug my hands back.

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