Author's Note: Possible Delay | Sorry

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Before you freak out, I'm not going on another hiatus. That said, I may not be able to get the next chapters out on time... I apologize for this in advance, but there isn't much I can do.

Normally how my writing process goes is that I do a paragraph here and there during the school week, then I'll get a lot of writing, editing, and music selections done on the weekends. That said, February is the shortest month, and I was beyond busy during the week.

To add on to that, I was a bit under the weather last week. That went to being full-scale down for the count, feverish— I had several disgusting symptoms and my mum was concerned because I only got worse the next day.

Long story short, it hasn't been the best month for writing. I'll do my best to get out the chapters on March first, but please be willing to understand if I don't.

Thank you all for sticking with me; you guys are the greatest!


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