Chapter Four: Time Moves On (Not)

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(Y/n) sighed as he looked in the mirror. He was right, these bruises are terrible... The purplish marks on his necks were large and ugly. They also hurt to the touch, and just in general. Somehow he had forgotten how he managed to get himself in the situation he was in the night before. He had no Godly idea how he bumped into All For One, much less how or why it lead to his reunion with Mina Ashido.

"I need to go out today to get this off of my mind..." (Y/n) muttered quietly to himself, "maybe something good will come out of it."

(Y/n) was off into the world not long after that. He pulled his hood over his head and waltzed around like nothing. He wouldn't take the time to ruin this temporary sense of peace today. He could just leave everything the way it was for right now... He didn't need to disrupt it for right now.

· · ·

Todoroki was out on his own today. He felt drained from the past few months and was ready for a break. That said, his idea of a break was curling up on his couch in his apartment with (Y/n) beside him, the two of them commenting on movies and shows instead of watching them. He smiled at the thought, but the warmth it brought soon turned to bitter cold when he realized that wasn't happening today.

Todoroki chuckled sourly. He was starting to get used to (Y/n) being a part of his past, and no longer one of the people in his present and or future. It hurt and was terrible, but he supposed that his mind was quicker to move on than his heart. It almost burned, to think that a part of him was simply returning to his mindset before he met (Y/n) in the first place.

It was so weird, the fact that his anguish was starting to disappear. He was moving on, he supposed. But Todoroki didn't want to move on. Time can go on all it pleases, but Todoroki wanted nothing more than to just have the very male he was getting over back to him. It frightened Todoroki to think that this all was enough time for him to get over what they had.



They probably weren't a thing anymore. Hell, he'd be surprised if he mattered to his former leader at all. It wasn't fair. None of it was fair. (Y/n) wasn't allowed to just pack up his crap and leave them in the dust while he made a name for himself. (Y/n) wasn't allowed to take the brunt of their damage and let them roam free like they were innocent civilians.

Todoroki turned into the park by where the bar used to be before he burned it to the ground. So many things had happened in this stupid park. Maybe that's why he returned, actually. Perhaps he was hoping that something would come of his presence here— something good and beneficial. If not that, mainly just anything that may have a chance at lightening Todoroki's mood.

He turned off the pather towards a small clearing. Todoroki, Kirishima, (Y/n), and Bakugou used to meet here after split up missions to make sure everyone was alright. Maybe (Y/n) would decide to turn up here one day and they'd meet up once and for all. If they were lucky, things could go back to the way they were beforehand.

"Shouto?" Todoroki whipped his head to the left of him way too quickly.

The voice scared him, and it was so familiar that he had to see who it was. Correction; he knew exactly who it was and he had to turn around to make sure he wasn't going out of his mind. Alas, there he was. (Y/n) was standing a few feet away from him when he spoke again.

"Shouto?" (Y/n) asked again.

The taller of the two acted purely on impulse when he practically ran at the other male. The first thing he did was kiss him. It was a bit sloppy and rushed at first, but it evened out quickly. (Y/n) was shocked, but gladly kissed back. Kissing Todoroki was a strange experience. Half of his lips were always a lot cooler than the other.

Todoroki stroked his thumbs over (Y/n)'s cheek, his other arm wrapped securely around the smaller male's waist. He deepened the kiss, lightly pushing his tongue against the other's lips. (Y/n) complied, gladly letting Todoroki do as he pleased. It had been too long since they had been together. Both of them had forgotten what this felt like.

The taller of the two pushed (Y/n) against a tree and began to lighten the kiss. It soon became constant pecks in random places as they established that they were just as in love as they had been so long ago. (Y/n) particularly was grateful for this. Being with Todoroki like this still felt even more like home than his apartment at the moment, and he didn't want to give that up.

Todoroki pulled away slowly and just looked (Y/n) in the eyes. He smiled as he was met with familiar (e/c) irises. This is what he so dearly missed and needed. Having (Y/n) with him now made that official.

"Wow," (Y/n) muttered as he panted, "just wow."

"You've got a lot of nerve just leaving like that," Todoroki wanted to frown, but was too happy and relieved to see him.

"..." (Y/n) didn't respond.

"I'm just glad we're back together, though," Todoroki gushed slightly as he smiled.

"Shouto... You know I love you, that's why I tried to give you a second chance," (Y/n) ran his fingers through Todoroki's hair. It was a little longer and the dark grey roots were growing in white.

"Maybe, but I'd much rather just stay by your side," Todoroki responded coolly.

"... Alright," (Y/n) sighed and relaxed into his lover's hold.

"Oh, and I love you too, (Y/n)," Todoroki smile and gave the other another kiss.

Time Moves On My Ass...

(HAPPY FUCKING NEW YEARS!!! Lol jk, but seriously, I hope you all have a great year!)

(This Was 1059 Words!)

(No Extra For This Chapter, Sorry!)

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