Arc Six, Mending; Chapter One: Grief (p.1)

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"Deku, what should we do?" Uraraka asked, sounding hopeless.

"..." Deku wasn't sure how to respond.

"They're out of control, and we just can't get a grasp on them!" Uraraka raised her voice before going quiet. "I'm sorry, but I can't help feeling like we've already lost."

"Don't say that..." Deku said softly, "it's true, we're having our fair share of trouble, but it isn't over yet. We can still end this all peacefully."

"Are you sure?" Uraraka questioned, "(Y/n), Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima are so powerful together... They always overwhelm us heroes."

"Then we just have to overwhelm them, right? How hard can it be?" Deku smiled softly at her, pulling at her heartstrings. 

It reminded her so much of a time before any of this had begun. As much as she would hate to ever admit such a thing, it brought her warmth to think of a time before they knew (Y/n) at all. Things were relatively peaceful back then... Sure, they'd run into the League of Villains, but other than that, the most excitement they got was from each other.

"I guess you're right," Uraraka grinned, "we've got this."

As Uraraka left, even Deku felt the weight of his words. He didn't think that they could win at all, at least, not without any more losses. It seemed that peace had fallen off the table ages ago, and was now unsalvageable. It was like a glass dropped from a thousand feet. It was still there, but in such shambles that it was no longer of any use.

A melancholy of sorts set over Deku as he went out of the agency building, heading home for the night. His life had been complete shit for the most part, and he was at the point where he just hoped his next one would be better. Maybe in his next life, all of the chaos that had come with quirks and villains and heroes will have subsided to an extent. 

The cut-off scream of a couple of civilians across the street caught Deku's attention immediately. As soon as his eyes landed on the spot just meters from him, he realized what was happening. Nomus were attacking people. 

Deku frowned. Nomus hadn't been seen in so long that everyone thought that the League of Villains had moved on from them. Deku sighed, getting his gears running as accepted that his former predictions were false. 

He practically soared from his position, his now fired up quick activated and ready to save some people. One of the Nomus turned around, and that was when he noticed something. These weren't the same Nomus he had seen when he was in high school. These had most humanoid faces, and he could tell by their communication that they were smarter. 

Firing up his quirk to the maximum, remembering how even All Might had trouble with these monsters, he aimed for the Nomu's skull. It was all slow motion for him after that. He almost came in contact with the monster, but was disappointed when it managed to side-step him. Then, it was confusion, then a crunch, then a clatter — And realization. 

I hit a person.

The thought sunk in as he saw the person on the ground, bleeding from where their skull now caved. He couldn't move, the person didn't move, and he felt himself suddenly become sick. He should've checked to see if everything was alright. He should have kept fighting. Instead, though, he stood there, staring soullessly at the person on the ground. Deku's eyes seemed to go dim in scorching awareness.

I killed a person.

· · ·

A couple of days later, Deku was still in his haze. He moved like a zombie, and there was no way to get a response out of him. He hadn't slept since that day, and it was effortlessly seen on his ashen, freckled face. People tried to talk to him, everyone attempted to get him to respond. It wasn't until the name of the casualty was announced that Deku showed signs of being mentally present.

The person had been hit so badly that they couldn't identify them right away. They knew he was male, and they got basic information like his hair color and height. After doing tests more research, though, they uncovered the man's identity. Deku just collapsed against the closest walls, curling up, looking smaller than anyone had ever seen him. 

It hadn't really set in for everyone yet, but Deku felt it right away. His body seemed to convulse and he suddenly wailed into his arms. The sound was terrible, and no one there enjoyed it in the slightest. This was something that they never wanted to see, not even the worst of criminals — A truly broken human being.

· · ·

Todoroki heard of it first.

The tall young man woke up to the news, coming across it when he went to check the weather on his phone. Before he could feel bad himself, his mind immediately shifted to the smaller male sleeping next to him. Things had been off for several years with the two, but he knew (Y/n) would still handle it worse than anyone. 

The government had done a good job at hiding that fact that Deku was the one responsible, but he could tell just by the picture. Not many other people can deal that much of that kind of damage that quickly. Todoroki scowled, ignoring the fact that the hero probably didn't do it intentionally. He couldn't help but immediately accuse his former classmate.

He decided right there and then that he was going to protect (Y/n) from the news. He would just do it for a day, but he knew that he had to give his lover one last day of true happiness. He was well aware that (Y/n) had never truly experienced loss. Todoroki peered at the peaceful looking male pitifully before getting up and sliding out of bed.

He made his way to Kirishima's room, knocking before he walked in. The redhead had wide eyes that seemed hurt, and as he got a closer look, Todoroki saw that there were the beginnings of anger. Todoroki glanced at Kirishima's phone, finding that the bulkier male's screen to be on the same news page he himself had found.

"Don't mention it to (Y/n)," Todoroki said.

"Why?" Kirishima asked, "he should know..."

"I'll tell him, but I want to give him one last good day, first." Todoroki ran a hand through his now tri-colored hair. 

"Alright, I understand." Kirishima plopped back down from his sitting position, "I can't believe it..."

Todoroki didn't answer him, instead, going to Bakugou's room next door. He didn't knock this time, and was given a lazy glare as he walked in. Bakugou looked normal (or as much as he could, currently fighting with his best friend), and Todoroki immediately came to the conclusion that he hadn't heard.

· · ·

"He deserves to know more than anyone," Bakugou growled.

"I know, but..." Todoroki sighed, "let me give him one last happy day. Please?"

"Fine, but I'll tell him myself if you don't." Bakugou stood up and approached the punching bag hanging from his ceiling before gesturing to the door.

"I get it, I'll get out," Todoroki sighed, "but thanks, Katsuki."


(I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Please point out any mistakes, and please vote and comment! That's really all I have to say, so... Yeah... Have a good rest of your day/night!)

(This Was 1239 Words!)


"What are you going to do now?"

"Must you really ask?"

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