Chapter Eight: Home (pt.2)

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"Do you have to leave so soon?" Natsuo asked, leaning on the doorframe.

"Kind of," Todoroki said sheepishly, "we have to go see dad, then mom."

"It was nice to see you, man," Dabi said, "we know fixing all of this'll take longer than what we've put in, but we'll get actually into it after Yumi's birthday, 'kay?"

"Yeah, of course..." Natsuo paused for a moment, thinking. "Can I go with you? I should fix my relationship with them too."

"Can you drive?"

· · ·

"Why are we going to dad first?" Natsuo wondered, parking on the street about a block down.

"It's on the way to the mental hospital," Dabi stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Natsuo nodded, turning to look at Todoroki in the back seat. The youngest of the trio had been awfully quiet. If it weren't for the circumstances, he was sure that he would have forgotten he was there in the first place. It didn't help the only thing they could hear him do was let out an occasional sigh.

From the little time Natsuo got to spend with him when they were kids, he knew that Todoroki was quiet. This, though, seemed like something else entirely.

"Hey, Shouto?" Natsuo called, gaining the other's attention, "what's up? You're being pretty quiet."

"Person stuff," Todoroki answered, "maybe I'll tell you later."

Natsuo nodded in understanding. In the few days they had spent together in the past week, he'd learned a few things about them. Dabi was a part of the League of Villains, Todoroki had a lover at home, wherever "home" is.

The three of them eventually got out of the car, heading towards the place where they grew up. Todoroki felt kind of bad coming here. The last time he'd showed up he trashed the place, Dabi set it on fire, and he probably blinded his father in one eye. That wasn't an exactly ideal situation to try and fix — especially when they're showing up uninvited.

When they finally stood by the door, Natsuo was tasked with knocking. Their father would probably freak out if it was Todoroki or Dabi that he was first met with.

They looked around, and it looked a little too normal. The place had burnt almost all the way down, and yet now it looked exactly as it had before. It was as if the fight that took place here had never happened at all. It was strange, but then again the two villains just guessed that this was what enough money could accomplish.

When the door swung open slowly, they were met with a woman with beautiful white hair and grey eyes. There were hardly any wrinkles on her skin, and there was a youthful glow in her gaze.


· · ·

(Y/n) sat at the table, his eyes never leaving the front door. Bakugou and Kirishima pitied him. They were all upset, but now that things had set in, (Y/n) looked to be falling apart at the seams. He looked tired. If someone were to guess his age, they'd have to be given a ten-year handicap.

His back was probably killing him from sleeping in that seat every night, and he'd only ever stretched his legs long enough to use the restroom. He refused to eat, and Kirishima had to force him to drink water. All in all, it wasn't looking too good for him.

"Dude, come on, you need to go out today," Kirishima said.

(Y/n) didn't respond, and Bakugou had had enough of it.

"(Y/n), don't make me drag you out of that chair, damn it," the blond threatened, "you're making yourself sick, and no one wants to deal with you giving yourself another eating disorder."

"What if he comes back while we're out..? He'll leave again..." (Y/n) uttered quietly.

"Listen," Bakugou grumbled, "if Icy-Hot was gonna waltz in here randomly, he would've done it already — Get up."

· · ·

We're really doing this right now, huh?

Natsuo could feel the tension in the room, and he felt weird for contributing to it. They all had problems with Endeavor, even Fuyumi to an extent, but Dabi and Natuo had never found it in themselves to forgive Rei. Sure, they could blame Enji for what she'd done to Todoroki, but... What kind of mother intentionally harms their child? Even with the circumstances, it's unacceptable.

"So... how have you boys been?" Rei asked, attempting to break the silence.

None of them responded immediately. Dabi even went so far as to turn away from her, huffing quietly.

"Personally, I've been better," Todoroki finally answered.

"Agreed," Dabi muttered.

"I've been okay, nice job, good apartment, the works," Natsuo said.

"That's nice to hear." Rei didn't sound completely sure of herself. "Did you boys need something? You don't visit often."

"Shouto and I wanted to fix things a little before Yumi's birthday," Dabi stated.

"Yeah..." Todoroki agreed, "we don't want things to be like this forever."

"They visited me first, and I want to mend our relationship with you and dad a bit too."

"I'm glad to hear that. Your father will be home very soon, so can you three stay around until then? Maybe for dinner?"

Todoroki couldn't say "no" to his mother's hopeful tone. Dabi and Natsuo were a bit more hesitant, but they reluctantly agreed to stay if their father would allow it. They all decided that they weren't ready to stay the night yet. They weren't on good enough terms for that.

· · ·

'This is Todoroki Shouto. Sorry to have missed your call; leave a message.'

"Hey, Shouto... I know I messed up, but please... come home. We all miss you, and I want to fix things. Call me back?"

Bakugou and Kirishima hated this whole ordeal. They'd never seen (Y/n) fall apart like this before. When he'd been kicked from the League, he started himself off strong. Back in high school when he was just being exposed to the world, he had handled it well. Now, though, they were surprised he hadn't done some of the classic fall-backs.

· · ·

"That could've gone worse," Natsuo said optimistically, dropping down into the driver's seat.

"I think that went well," Shouto responded.

"Well?" Natsuo asked.

"Keep in mind that Touya burned the house down," Shouto informed him, ignoring the slight twitch it got from Dabi.

"Ah, yeah, forgot about that..."

· · ·

"All my boys are home, how nice..."

Yeah, home...

(I'm gonna try to get another chapter into the update! Please vote and comment on the chapter if you enjoyed, and stay tuned for the next update next month! Also, if you enjoy my style of writing, please go read my fic 'Monster'! It's a crossover, xmalereader, and tokyoghoulau story! I'm doing a lot with that alone, but it's fun to write, so please go check it out!)

(This Was 1133 Words!)


"Shouto," huh?

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