Chapter Seven: Some Things To Himself

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The nurses rushed in, Deku stepped out, and Kirishima had already driven off. It haunted the hero, this entire night would haunt him forever, and it was his own fault. He had lost to a villain, and that villain had shown him mercy. He allowed said villain to move him to a second location, and he found that his former mentor, a former hero, favored that villain more than him. It hadn't been directly stated, but it was obvious, it took no genius to figure out that Gran Torino had died with fond thoughts of Kirishima, and more importantly, disappointment in Deku. To top it all off, he just let Kirishima go.

Deku left the hospital, he needed to go somewhere that would allow him to just let out all of his pent-up feelings. He walked through the cool night, not even noticing his own shivering. He wandered, unsure of where he would end up. Deku was unfamiliar with this part of town, but he had no mind to try to make his way home. With his head down, Deku continued to walk, his pace quickening slightly. He felt that he needed to hurry, but to where? Where would he even go, anyway; he had no intention of going home at the moment, however you'd get there from wherever he was now.

Eventually, his leg began to hurt, his feet stung, and the broken hero looked up. He stopped and stared at the seemingly endless street and sidewalk ahead of him. Then, he looked to his right, across the street. He knew what that place was, unfortunately. This was the cemetery. The cemetery where Iida was, where Present Mic was, where Mineta was, this is where Hagakure and Rikido would be in a couple days. Deku was suddenly hit with mixed feelings. Something drew him to cross the street and enter that dreaded place.

-'somewhere that would allow him to just let out all of his pent-up feelings'

Deku walked in and stepped aimlessly, following wherever his pained feet felt the need to take. When his feet stopped, he frowned. Of course, I'd surely end up here, and of all places... He felt as everything in him crashed and burned as he looked at Iida's grave. The two empty places to the left that would hold Hagakure and Rikido only added to the pain. He shattered, every feeling, every regret, each feeling that had tried to pass through him during the past four years just exploded inside him. His heart, lungs, head- everything was heavy. Deku felt like the world was collapsing on him.

"I'm so sorry, Iida, I failed you," Deku uttered weakly as tears streamed down his face, his head down.

"Bring the world justice, Izuku, do it for the world, and do it for me."

"I told you I'd do it, damn-it!" Deku half shouted, his voice cracking as he fell to his knees.

"Of course, your work won't go to waste Tenya, I promise-"

"I promised! I promised and I couldn't keep it!" Deku caved in on himself, "I fail you, I failed everyone... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

"You're pathetic, you know that Midoriya?"

These sudden feelings were killing him, haunting him— they would be the end of him.

· · ·

Kirishima stepped into the bar and sighed at the sight before him. Kurogiri looked tired, Shigaraki had obviously finished a temper-tantrum, Toga was messing around, and he had already encountered Dabi outside, who claimed to have a headache after dealing with the idiots inside. That said, he smiled at the sight of his friends; his family. Surprisingly, yet not surprisingly at all, Bakugou was the first to acknowledge his entrance. Kirishima couldn't help but smile as he saw relief wash over Bakugou's face. Maybe he won't tease him just yet, everyone had been stressed enough lately as it is.

"Where the hell have you been? Emo-Icy-Hot here wouldn't tell us what you guys talked about over the phone-" Bakugou stopped, noticing Kirishima's bruising cheek, "what the hell happened to you?"

"I got in a fight on the way back," Kirishima stated sheepishly, scratching his arm.

"With who?" (Y/n) interrupted.

Deku, "Some random guy, I don't know his name," Kirishima smiled, "guy was tough, but I took care of him," he could keep somethings to himself.

Todoroki kept himself from giving Kirishima a knowing look from across the room. Todoroki didn't have to stick his nose where it didn't belong, he could keep somethings to himself. The red and grey haired male relaxed on the couch he was sitting on next to (Y/n). This, being next to (Y/n), having Bakugou and Kirishima with him, having a brother to support him, for some reason, just felt right. It had been like this for a bit, but it was just settling in. Todoroki could get used to this.

(Y/n) felt the same, except he was aware that his contentment came from a slightly different place. He knew he had some sort of attraction to Todoroki Shouto, but he knew better than to act on it. Shouto was his friend, his ally, and he couldn't let stupid feelings get in the way of that. (Y/n) knew well and good that he liked Shouto in a different way than he like Kirishima and Bakugou and Dabi and Toga, he knew that this feeling wasn't the same he felt towards Kurogiri and Shigaraki as well. He didn't know what the others around him would think, so he did what he did best (other than causing chaos). He kept his true intentions in his own head, he could keep somethings to himself.

Bakugou had long tuned out Kirishima's babbling. He had slightly slumped into his seat at the bar and took in a deep breath. He could smell the alcohol that no one drank, he could faintly smell Toga's camellia perfume, and Bakugou could feel the warmth of all the bodies around him. It weirded him out to say that he liked it this way. People always say to keep your friends close, and your enemies closer, but Bakugou would be perfectly happy having these people as close as possible. Bakugou was satisfied with his current situation, he was relaxed and he knew he could let his guard down around these people. The others didn't need to know that he was becoming soft around them, he could keep somethings to himself.

(Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll try to get one or two more out before I go on my official schedule in 2019, but no promises. This is the most time I've had to write, and hopefully, the chapter came out alright! I would hate for it to seem rushed or unsatisfactory for any readers. I doubt you have high expectations for me, as I am not some over-the-top-amazing writer— but I do expect for there to be standards, I suppose. I mean, it would be disappointing if I went from writing like this to writing a way equivalent to a four-year-old. Anyway, enough of me babbling, I hope you enjoyed and that you will all stay tuned for future chapters! That's all for today folk!)

(This Was 1225 Words!)



The tired, young man froze. How was he supposed to handle this? How was he supposed to manage what was happening? It was no big deal, and yet, it was one of the most important events in his life at the moment.

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