Chapter Two: Potential ("Orphanage" [p.2])

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"You bitch!" the man yelled from outside the courtroom. His little boy wanted to cry, not totally understanding why his father was so upset.

She ignored him, continuing to make her way into the building. She had already become victorious; she was only here to humor the man. The chances of him coming out on top were slim. He'd signed the paper, she'd kept it, and the judge would see the real contents of the pages that he failed to read two months before. Dr. Takeyama almost pitied him—this could have avoided on his part if he had done what any responsible adult had done and paid attention.

Her two bodyguards glanced at the man and shook their heads, hoping to get their message across. The Jury was definitely going to be on her side, so this should probably go without a hitch.

· · ·

It did. She won. The man didn't even stand a chance against her and the biased court filled with her people. Now all that was left was to actually start the project. 

"Of course, Michael," Dr. Takeyama said cheerfully, "everything went perfectly! I'm going to pick him up from your daycare and take him to the orphanage this afternoon."

"That's good to hear," her business partner, Michael told her over the phone, "I'll have him ready when you get here."

"Good," Dr. Takeyama responded, "we'll have so much fun together, him and I!"

"Perfect," Michael was smiling on the other line, just as oblivious as the man, "I'll see you later today?"

"Of course. See you then," she ended the conversation.

"See you then," Michael replied and hung up.

Dr. Takeyama smiled to herself, continuing to help her bodyguards move the stuff she'd just bought into her car. Several people passing admired the vehicle, having never seen the car in their humble neighborhood shopping center. 

· · ·

"Here you go, Yu," Michael smiled, handing over the baby boy in his arms and giving the bodyguards the bag with diapers and food.

"I'll update you on how he's doing soon, okay?" Dr. Takeyama questioned.

"Please," Michael nodded, "I normally don't grow attached to the children, but he's managed to get to me."

"That's sweet, I'll make sure he grows up knowing this," the doctor told him.

"Good," Michael made eye contact with the boy one more time, "I have to get back in now. My other staff are alone in the baby ward..."

"I get it," the doctor held the baby in one arm and waved, "I'll see you around."

Michael beamed as he turned back towards the building, heading inside to help his employees. Dr. Takeyama looked after him, waiting until he was out of sight and earshot to start getting in her car. The baby looked back at the building, along with the rest of its surroundings curiously. Dr. Takeyama couldn't wait to use this curious thing to her advantage.

"I'm so glad to finally have you with me, (Y/n)," her bright look had a dark hint to it, hiding away behind her walls, "you have so much potential.

· · ·

"Hand me the syringe labeled 'Enhancer'," Dr. Takeyama told her lab assistant, "and the one labeled 'Anti-Defect'."

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