Chapter Four: Getting Over It

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"I've... um... I've liked you for a while now..."

Deku looked up at the ceiling of his apartment from the couch, sighing. He was being an idiot. Years have passed, and he needed to move on already. He wasn't oblivious enough to let Uraraka's feelings for him to completely unnoticed, and he even was a bit interested himself, but Deku couldn't bring himself to act on it. It just felt... wrong.

It shouldn't. (Y/n) was a villain, and he was happy with Todoroki. He could be happy, too, but something about letting go of the last of his feelings left him scared, almost. It was like he was cutting the last of his ties with his former classmate, and therefore the rest of them, for the most part. Deku had enough pride to decide it was better not to say that out loud, but the mere thought of it still left him shaky.

That wasn't the only thing he needed to get over, though. He needed to get over the fact that he didn't entirely earn the title of Number One Hero himself. Deku knew that Sero had said all that time ago was right, but Deku was in too much denial to accept it fully. He'd gotten to second, and had his position handed to him just like Endeavor.

Deku despised that thought.

His roommate, a friend he had met in his third year of high school, stepped into the living room and gave him an unimpressed look. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge before taking a seat next to him with a yawn.

"What're you doing up?" she asked, yawning again, "it's too late- too early to be awake at this hour."

"Work stuff..." Deku half-lied, yawning as well.

She side-eyed him before she said, "is that really all? You don't normally get this kind of stressed just because of work."

Deku was quiet for a moment, weighing the pros and cons of actually talking about what was going on in his head. He was comfortable with her, even to the point where he had had moments where he wished for something a little more than platonic. Oh. Oh no. You've got to be kidding me. She sat there waiting for another two minutes before she stood up to get back to bed. After all, she had work in the morning.

"Wait, I'll talk," Deku sighed, turning his head towards her.

"Sorry, you missed your chance for tonight, buddy," she stated matter-of-factly, "maybe tomorrow morning. Now go to bed, you have to be up just as early as I do."

"Alright, alright..." Deku let out a groan as he stood and stretched.

All the confliction in his head was starting to weigh him down without a doubt. The last thing he needed was to be more sleep-deprived as well.

After a well-needed shower, he sat in his bed and twisted his torso to crack his back, then rolled his head to crack his neck, and finally cracked his knuckles and ankles. The satisfying pops followed by the instant feeling of his muscles relaxing helped him get to sleep fairly quickly. The freckled hero even managed to temporarily forget his dilemma while happy memories and scenes filled his dreams.

· · ·

Deku's roommate didn't bother knocking before she barged into his room. He was still getting some much-desired sleep, but she wasn't enough of an arse to allow him to be late to work. She opened his curtains, yanked his covers off, and slapped him with the pillow his head had slipped off of during the night. The groan that escaped the male was enough to let her know that he was up.

"Really?" Deku grumbled, his voice weirdly low in the morning.

"Yes, really. We need to be up earlier if we're gonna talk about your problem," she paused for a moment, "and you need to take a cold shower."

Deku didn't need to delve into that conversation and instead just rolled out of bed and started for the bathroom. He grumbled something along the lines of (an ever so slightly passive-aggressive) "thanks."

"You're welcome," she beamed, "I'll make coffee."

When Deku got out of the shower and was dressed, a sudden thought came to his (still slightly muddled) head. He looked at his roommate exasperatedly and then smiled softly.

"You hate coffee." Deku grabbed a mug and began to pour a cup.

"Good morning to you too, sunshine," she said sarcastically, lightly pushing Deku towards the couch.


"I put the cream and sugar on the coffee table, princess," she told him, getting him to sit with her, "now vent."

"You're never this nice." she gave him an unimpressed glare, "okay, okay. Well, when I was in high school, I liked this guy, (Y/n). And was friends with Endeavors son. And was in the same class as my childhood friend, and his friend who was nice and pretty cool.

"(Y/n) had all these health issues having to do with malnutrition, and he was a little weird at first, but he ended up being cool. I confessed, he turned me down, and... yeah. Then things happened and he went missing and so did my childhood friend. They returned for like a day before the two of them and the other two I mentioned also went missing.

"After that, I did some stupid stuff to get out my frustration... little things like stealing from convenience stores. I actually egged a house once when I was feeling extra ballsy. Then one day when all of us were together fighting the League, they showed up, and we were happy, and they were, too — and they were villains."

"That's part of the rave about Mayhem, correct?" she interrupted, getting a nod as a response.

"They've been kind of causing us havoc here and there since then. I've run into some of them, gotten my arse beaten a couple times, and I can't seem to fully let my feelings for (Y/n) go... the thought scares me. I'm afraid to cut my personal ties with him, and I know that Uraraka, Uravity has feelings for me. I don't know if I return them, but I know I have a strong feeling for her; I think she might just be the sister I never had. I'm unsure...

I don't if I should add this too, but you're also one of my problems." Deku added.

"Oh?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Not in a bad way!" Deku defended, "like... as of late I've been having thoughts about a relationship with you a little more than platonic, and it's different from my feelings for Uraraka. I don't really know what means for you, but... yeah.

"It also doesn't help that I didn't completely earn being the number one hero, and an old mentor of mine died recently. The last thing he told me was pretty much that he liked one of Mayhem's members more than me and that I was a disappointment.

"There's also the fact that (Y/n)'s pretty much been responsible for murder on multiple accounts."

Deku's roommate waited for a moment to see if he was really done, and then she took a deep breath, processing everything. She decided that she would ignore the part about herself for the time being. The last thing Deku needed was to have something else on his plate.

"Well, I think it's safe to say that you don't exactly love (Y/n) anymore, and you haven't for longer than you think," she pointed out, "as far as everything else goes, just tackle things one-by-one."

"You make it sound so simple..." Deku stated semi-meekly.

She stood up and went to place her cup in the sink. Deku's roommate then started towards the door, picking up her bag from the armchair. She waved at him before opening the door.

"I've got to head out, Midoriya," she said.

"I'll see you later," Deku gave a fake salute, "and thanks, Risa."

(This chapter felt strange to write for some reason... Oh well! I hope you all enjoyed, voted, commented, and plan to stay tuned!)

(This Was 1329 Words!)




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