Apology, and the Temporary End

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(copy and pasted from my message board)

I'm...sorry, to say the least. When I started writing Remix, I had a minor idea of where I wanted it to go. It was going to be standalone, and clearly, things evolved past that.

I had no idea what I doing, just writing chapter-by-chapter without a real plan. I knew how the story was going to end a little before I started writing 'Past & Future,' but there were too many ways to get to that ending to just end up going in a direction that makes sense.

Remix is approaching 100k reads, and I'm extremely grateful for that—for you guys. That's part of why this is so hard. I loved, and still love you all and the story so much that I did everything I could to drag out the time until the ending. This caused inconsistencies and unnecessary things that made it hard to actually conclude the story when I was finally ready to do so. I'd added so many plot points that had been neglected and random that I couldn't tie up all the loose ends. Unfortunately, just adding more to the story to help conclude things would make the problem worse.

What's going to happen is that I'm going to tell you all how this part of the story ends. I'm going to summarize what was supposed to happen, and then I'm "finishing" the book. It's half-ässed and terrible, but it's the best I can do for the time being.

Don't worry, though. One day in the future, I'm going to rewrite Remix and Mayhem with a plan, clearer ending, and they might even have different names (the reason for the title "Remix" ended up getting scrapped, another huge issue). This is just a temporary conclusion to this part of the story until I can do it better.

I'm sorry that I've let you all down, but hopefully, some of you can forgive me over time. I'm still learning, and I wasn't ready to write Remix and Mayhem when I did. When I am ready, I'll bring it back with a start.

Until then, thanks for all the views, comments, votes, and support. It means a lot, and I'll make up for my short-comings.


As much as I hate to sound full of myself, I know a lot of people enjoyed this story, and I've received PMs about the future of Mayhem and if it really was coming back. 

The short answer is no. This physical book will by marked Complete after this chapter. The actual answer, though, is yes. As I've said in the message on my board, I'm going to rewrite these books. It'll be a while, as I have other books that I'm in the process of writing at the moment. I'm also not ready to restart this, yet. 

Again, part of the reason this turned out the way it did was that I wasn't ready skill-wise or experience-wise to write this story. I could probably do a much better, even a good job at this now. However, I don't think that would serve these books justice. 

If you aren't too angry with me, maybe consider following me so that you can stay updated. I often post things relating to my stories on my board. If you don't want to have to look at every message there just to find the occasional on relating to this, don't worry. Whenever I make a post about a story, I label the story and urgency of the message in all caps. You'll know when it's important.

Now, without further ado, my (not great) summary of how this story was supposed to conclude:


(Y/n) and Monoma were going to arrive at the original lab under the orphanage. They'd get in after (Y/n) fell through a floor-board. Monoma would jump down, and the two of them were going to end up seeing everything Dr. Yu Takeyama left there.

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