Chapter Nine: Fixing It (pt.3 [Forgiveness pt.2])

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Two weeks flew by too quickly for some, and not quickly enough for others. The beginning of the Todoroki family's healing process was a rollercoaster, but there was already an improvement. It helped that they all accepted that they'd never be a picture-perfect household. As time went on, maybe the six could get closer, though.

Boundaries had been set, and limits were carefully tested. Natsuo and Dabi would never be one-hundred-percent okay with their mother, Todoroki would never be totally comfortable alone with Endeavor — the works.

With all that said, though, it was a good start. That start's pay off today would be all the more worth it, too.

Todoroki buried his hands in the pockets of his coat. The first snow of winter had come fairly late that year, which was nice while it lasted. The snow had stormed down the previous night, though, and the temperature had noticeably dropped several degrees.

December had always been an interesting concept to him. People were celebrating the holiday season and getting ready for the new year. It was silly, realistically. People made all these resolutions that they'd never keep and ruined their sleeping schedules despite having to go out the next day come January.

Despite his thoughts on the overall month, though, December sixth was okay. His only sister's birthday was on that day, and after just dropping off her radar he felt he owed her a visit. Dabi had voiced a similar thought, though he admitted that the guilt of missing out on his family had begun to fade a long while ago.

Now the group of five was standing in front of an apartment door, waiting for one of them to take the initiative. Natsuo finally sucked it up and knocked on the door softly, moving a gloved hand to play with the sleeve of his jacket.

Todoroki, Dabi, Endeavor, and Rei had all made a point to stand slightly away from the door. Though they were all glad to be there, the nervousness was there as well.

They heard footsteps, then a pause, and then the door opened. Fuyumi smiled at her younger brother, then stood still as she spotted the other four. She seemed confused, but something else was hiding in her eyes as well.

"Happy Birthday," Todoroki said softly, carefully stepping up next to Natsuo.

"Yeah, happy birthday, Yumi," Dabi smiled genuinely for the first time in a long time as Endeavor and Rei handed over several gifts from all of them.

Fuyumi still looked shocked as she uttered, "Touya..? Shouto?" then she smiled brightly. "Mom, Dad..."

"Happy Birthday Fuyumi."

· · ·

"I wish you all could spend the night... thank you," Fuyumi had joyful tears in her eyes.

"We're sorry it took so long," Rei stated softly, embracing her daughter.

"It's okay, I'm just glad it happened eventually," she said, "we'll have to do this again in a few weeks."

She looked over at Todoroki, who averted the gaze. "Really... you guys don't all have to gather for that."

The light chatter and bits of banter continued as they all made their ways out the door. Everyone had gone their separate ways, Dabi looked down at his brother as they started to walk back to his apartment. Todoroki looked a lot better than when he showed up on his doorstep a couple of weeks prior.

It made him wonder a few things. Like, how much more closure does he need, and will be able to achieve it? He looked better now, but they had begun fixing family issues, not whatever was going on back at his home.

"Is there something on my face?" Todoroki asked. "you've been staring at me for a few minutes."

Dabi sighed, "No, I was just wondering if you were doing alright. You look better, but..."

"I am doing a little better, thanks. I was just thinking about something."

"Care to elaborate?"

Todoroki was silent for a moment, trying to find the right way to voice his thoughts. There were a few things that he wanted to say, but eventually, he went with the simplest version of it all.

"Touya... should I go home?"

"Is it worth it?"

· · ·

Christmas was growing closer, and Todoroki had made up his mind by that time. He was going to spend more time with his family up until after his birthday, then go back. Mending his family's relationships was giving him life, and it was clear that they all needed it.

It was on the day of his birthday that he received the gift of a lifetime. It was just an announcement from Dabi, Natsuo, and Fuyumi, but it filled the youngest family member with more joy than he had ever felt. It was like a dream to him. Everything was going to well, and not a single thing could ruin the day for him now.

"We've all decided to change our names back to Todoroki!"

· · ·

"Do you really have to go?" Natsuo asked when Todoroki began to leave the gathering early.

"Yeah..." there was a sad lilt in his eyes under his happiness. "I have some things I need to do at home."

"Is this the 'a personal' thing?"

"Mhmm. Our family isn't the only relationship I have that I've got to fix."

"Well, I hope it goes well."


· · ·

His red roots were evident now, and he had to cut his hair to keep it off his shoulders. It was still a little longer than before, coming an inch past his ears. He ran a hand through his hair and grabbed the keys in his pocket. It'd been so long since he'd used them that they felt foreign in his hand.

He twisted his wrist and pushed the door lightly, stepping inside and locking it back behind him. The house looked slightly different than what he remembered. The walls were a different color, there was a new rug under the coffee table, and all the doors he could see had been re-coated.

He slipped his shoes off and wandered around the place, admiring the slight changes. He checked the first floor, and he saw no one at all. The tall male conquered the second floor after that, coming to the conclusion that only one other person was home. Kirishima.

He could hear him loudly talking to his screen, probably playing a game. Todoroki found it slightly endearing that after all this time his friend remained his slightly childish self.

He decided to not knock and just opened the door, stepping forward a bit. Kirishima looked up and his from his spot and did a double-take. After all this time, the man who's been the topic of many conversations had finally returned.

"Hey, Eijiro," Todoroki said kindly, "you should close your mouth. I can have our brawn being known for catching flies."

· · ·

- Dude, (Y/n), home NOW

What? -

- You HAVE to bring (Y/n) home RIGHT NOW! HURRY

This better not be a joke -

(That's it for the update! I finished this early, for once, too! I'm normally rushing to get it in, but I have days to spare. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Please vote, comment, and if you feel like it, even follow me! Stay tuned for the next update, guys! Last thing!: THIS IS THE 50th part of Mayhem!)

(This Was 1251 Words!)


"I think we should go out."


"It might help us. I was thinking a party might be cool."

"Whatever you say..."

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