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Paula's point of view

Days passed by and tom had some nightmares but soon I got along with it and he always had a second glass of water next to his bed so that I didn't have to use mine to wake hi up. Sometimes after 'it' we sat in his bed and talked a little bit. About the day and finally how it should go in with anything. We decided that it would be the best if Lucy stayed with his parents while tom and I went away for a weekend finding a new flat for Lucy and me. I also wanted to study. I wasn't sure about it because it was going to be hard work with Lucy and anything but toms family was just sooooo nice that they wanted to help me whenever they could.

So tom and I sat in a train to see a new flat. I fell asleep very soon so it wasn't that boring.

Toms point of view

Her head fell soft on my shoulder so I knew she was asleep. I lay her down on my lab because I hoped it would be more comfortable. My hand was on her head and her hair felt so soft and it looked like gold. She looked beautiful, innocent.

Wow, I really like her like.. Really really! We talked a bit, especially after my nightmares but as longer as I knew her my nightmares didn't get that worse than before and I believes they would go away someday of she could only stay with me.

Finally I fell asleep as well. I guess we looked like the cutest couple of all time.that might be the reason for the following things: ...

' OMG it's Tom!' Someone tried to whisper but it was almost shouting like hell. Soon I was awake and I saw into Paula's face. She was shocked and surprised. She whispered 'help' and my arm was around her shoulder to protect her. 'Hey guys' I said. 'Ahm...' ' is that your girlfriend? She's ugly! I'm better for you!' Someone shouted. I saw how disappointed she was. ' guys! No!and.. ' but an other girl interrupted me.' What's your name?!' Someone asked Paula. SHe just looked at me and I answered for her 'sorry, everyone but could you just please leave?' But they didn't and They wanted to have thousands of autographs. I love my fans but I saw that Paula felt very uncomfortable so I was glad that finally we arrived so that we didn't had to stay longer in a room with 50 shouting girls. Paula didn't say anything after someone of my fans called her ugly. Some says she was a slut just trying to get famous. We arrived in the hotel and we had two separate rooms. So she went into hers and I went into the one next door. But I couldn't let her alone while he's sad so I knocked shyly on her door. It was already 7pm so we wanted to stay the night here and then went to see if we could find a flat for her and Lucy.

'Yes ' I head her . I entered the room.

She sat on the ground next to the bed with black bags underneath her beautiful green brown eyes. 'Anything's fine?' I wanted it to be a question but it sounded more like a shyly version of the truth but everyone knew that it wasn't the truth.' Well, it was new for me' she answered and stood up standing in front of me . She wore a huge over sized shirt without trousers and huge soft socks. ' I'm sorry Paula' I hugged her. 'really, it's Okay. I'm sorry for you' she laughed a little bit but it sounded Weak. ' well ... I hope that you'll get used to it.' ' shall I? ' she asked and I looked into her eyes.' Please, don't ever leave' and I kissed her cheeks. She blushes a little but and it just made her look even more sweeter so I had to kiss her again. ' tom I...' SHe looked to the ground. I expected something like ' I love you' or even an'i like you' but she said' I can't.Sorry. I'm tired so let's go to bed so that we can leave early tomorrow because I really need to find a flat' that was all. And since that sentence she didn't look into my eyes again. Did I do something wrong? I didn't remember. Except of that little thing in the train. Paula,what went wrong? But I couldn't dare asking her. So I leave but this night she didn't came to wake me up because of another nightmare. I stared at the sore waiting that someone would open it but Paula stayed inside her room.



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