~Chapter ten~

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That was it and my life went on. I haven't seen her for about 4 months now. God, it was like hell! Just imagine you're having the worst headache and there's no medicine that could ever heal you and your eyes are just always crying and you can't stop it and it's hard to breath because with every breath your chest hurts a little more. Diagnose: broken heart.

Today me and my band practiced till late am because next week we're going to go on tour through the UK and the rest of Europe. Since Paula left I wrote a lot of new heart-broken-I-need-to-fix-it- songs my fans obviously love.

' sorry guys, gotta go. Tomorrow's huge party of my parents. Gotta help them.' I said, taking my notes. After saying good bye to anyone (Yes. We are men but we hug each other) I went out into the dark night. It was so sark that I almost couldn't see anything.

That's the last thing I remember.

'He won't be able to go'

'We have to! That's what he always dreamt about!'

' he needs to heal first. Sorry. He can sing, but can't play.'

'Tom without a piano? That's not possible'

'What?' I said almost whispering. Suddenly the two silhouettes in front of the bed I laid on turned to me. I dint knew who they were because it was hard opening the eyes for more than a half second. But when they talked again I could identify their voices. Max( one of my band) and my mum stood there.

'What... Ha-happened?' I asked.

'Darling... 'Mum started but a knock on the door interrupted her.

The doctor entered. Finally I could open my eyes. Anything was white and my hands were covered with white as well.

'My hands' I was breathless. What had happened in that dark night to me? ...

' mr Odell? My name's doctor 0'brien' I smiled a little bit. ' I'm sorry but you won't be able to play the piano for about two months.' He still ha this content face and it made me feel even a little but worse as I actually felt. Well I felt the most unreal and hurting feeling I ever felt (except of that day Paula left but at the moment that doesn't count)

I was breathless.

Suddenly anything came back on my mind.

I went outside and there was a car. I heard how someone shouted my name but I reacted too late and I fell on the ground after the car had hit me. I couldn't feel anything except of pain.

2 days later

' what about some one else playing your piano?' My mum asked. That wasn't a bad idea , actually.

Since yesterday I was allowed to leave the hospital but I still had two broken wrists which made it impossible for me to play my lovely piano. I cries the whole last night. It was the worst that could've happened to me before the tour. But I wanted to go on tour. 'Im gonna find someone' Max(for everyone who doesn't know who he is; band member, bass) said and left. He had two days and I prayed every 10 minutes that he would call me and say that he found a brilliant piano player.

The next morning he called me.

'I found exactly what you need'

'Who is he?'


Hey ho!

Sorry that you had to wait that long but at the moment I have a lot to di( exams and so on) and sorry but I won't be able to update the next week. So here's chapter ten. Let me know what you think, lovely people!

Xx bye !! :D

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