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tom's point of view

suddenly we heard sirens and policemen were everywhere in this area helping us. after we got untied I ran over to Paula who fell into my arms. I didn't know what was going on but I was sure that when everyone was calmed down Paula and I will find the time to talk about it.
'I am sorry..' she said crying. I pressed her body to mine. I held her that close because I was too afraid of all. some minutes ago I was afraid I could lose her. My love. I never wanna feel this way again. Never, luckily Mr Cumfield had forgotten to take away my phone in the pocket of my trousers so that I was able calling the police who gladly came before anything worse could happen. 'mister Odell?' someone asked but I didn't look up. All I wanted to do now was to feel Paula in my arms.


'Oh god, guys!' Joanna,Max, Josh and Amanda came running to the front door as they heard that we were coming.

we all hugged and cried and hugged and kissed each other.
'we were so worried about you!'
'no.. no anythings okay!' paula said trying to smile. she hadn't told me yet what that all meant with Mr Cumfield and I wanted to give her time for .. what ever she needa to be prepares for this talk.

'I'm gonna take a shower..' Paula said and left.

while she was away for twenty minutes I shared my thoughts and memory with the others.

I told them that ,after paula didn't come back, I saw her with another man, her teacher and when I asked him what they were doing I realized that she was k.o. and then he injected me something and the we woke up in a huge grey fabric hall. than he kind of tried to rape her and I told them what he said about her past and that she just recognized him by his tattoo... no ine knew an answer to all my questions. after a while Paula came back. dressed in some jeans and my Beatles shirt. her hair was in a messy bun and she looked calmer and more relaxed although there were black rings under her eyes. we all looked at her waiting for an explanaition.
Amanda made tee and josh wrapped his arm around her shoulder. A tear was rolling down her face and I was surprised that it was just one because what she told us even made me cry.

'It was some days after my eleventh birthday when my mum came home late again. I was used used to it but she never brought men with her .. except of this night.

She shouted a lot but she always shouted when she was drunk so first I thought whatever .. but I was afraid so I opened the door to her room a bit. It was very dark.. couldn't see them actually.. just the silhouettes ..but then the man turned around.. he just wore his trousers while my mum wore her underwear. she laughed so I thought I'd better go but as I said he turned around and ..

he touched me .. and .. kissed my skin .. and .. hurt me... it was disgusting.. how he .. showed me how weak my mum was and how .. he made her .. horny and .. it was .. god I .. I felt so useless and weak and .. my mum,. she didn't remember .. god!
and he whispered into my ear..
then he just closed the door and I stood crying in front of mums closed door .. my cloths were destroyed and I heard her shout and laugh. she didn't remember anything .. and someday .. she was .. pregnant .. he's lucys .. father..'

now she started crying and we all wrapped her arms around her. comforting her.. 'shshhh.. it's alright'

' I hate him.. and .. my mum' she cried.
'lucy may not know what happened ok? please .. it would break her heart.. if.. she knew that her dad.. with my mum and .. that he .. us..' she looked at me.
gladly Lucy stayed at a friends house that weekend so we still ha some hours to calm down.

'we are there for you paula!' we promised.

~ some weeks later

fortunately the public didn't know much about what had happened. that might be a sign that I wasn't as famous as I thought.

Today we had rehearsal but now it was late and we were all very tired and Paula invited me over for dinner because the other girls weren't there so I said good bye to my boys and went to see her.

'helloohoou' I said while entering the room. after what had happened i had my own key for the flat of Amanda, Lucy, Joanna and paula and she had a key for max and mine flat. but actually I missed waking up next to her in the morning.

'tom! you are too early!' she shouted angrily. I followed her voice into the kitchen where she was cooking something that smelled delicious. I went over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind and while resting my head on her shoulder I asked;
'Is that-' 'yes it is, I just thought today is a day for your favorite meal' She giggled because I started kissing her neck. 'thank you' I whispered in between kisses. 'but I am not ready yet!' she complained. 'I don't care .. oh an by the way. this apron suits you very well.' I laughed and let go of her.

we ate and it tasted delicious! afterwards we just cuddled on her sofa and watched a film. my arms were around her and her head rested on my chest. I wasn't really able to concentrate on the film because my eyes were glued to her.
At one point she looked up. with my fingers under her chin I pulled her head closer to mine and I connected my lips with hers.

as if it was our first kiss my tongue waited a while till it kind of asked for permission of entering her mouth. she opened it and our tongues played some kind of hide and seek and dances a if there wasn't a tomorrow. my eyes were closed like hers (or at least thats what I expect her eyes to be, cuz as i said: mine are closed so I can't see if hers are closed or not but whatever thats not the point) so my hands were exploring her body. i didn't know since when but suddenly i took of her shirt and I was playing with the lace of her bra.
now she was sitting in my lab one leg on each side of me and when i decided not to open her bra that soon my hands slid down to her thighs and I could swear that a little moan escapes her mouth.
She, on top of me, played with my hair and only because he was .. sitting on me I could feel the heat burning in every inch of my body.. literally .. every part of it.
I then started kissing her neck and again my hands were stuck at her bra. I mean.. its not that I haven seen a woman's breast before but.. with her.. I am afraid of doing something wrong .. recently we talked about that thing again with mr cumfield who now git arrested and she said she doesn't want to be afraid of .. stuff we are doing now anymore because she told me how her last boyfriend broke up with her because she didn't want to have sex with him . I mean.. I can wait but.. actually.. Even when I just see a photo of her I can feel how I could get an orgasm... its crazy an stupid.. but I guess that's love.

I almost thought that it could be time for opening my trousers when I heard the first cord of 'grow old with me', Paulas phone rang.

shit. nooo I want to go on..

she disconnected our mouths, we both breathed heavily and he looked apologizing when she stood up. with my eyes I followed all her actions. I know I know I said it a thousand times but she is just,. beautiful. but she got skinnier since that thing with mr cumfield .. but I didn't want to think of him or someone else like him now.

she left her room to get her phone and after some seconds she came back.
'yeah.. sure. for how long?' I stretched my arms out to grab her and she gave in and leaned forwards so that I could wrap my arms around her waist. 'Yes. Yea of course si-iiir' he giggled because I kisses her bare tummy again. 'stop!' she whispered sharply. but I didn't so she kept on giggling and I was kissing her all over her bare skin(now I regretted it, that I didn't took of her bra before) 'yes, okay, thank you, yeah sure, okay. a week. yes okay. thanks sir, bye' he threw her phone away.
'you are such a stupid boy! that was my the head teacher of my university!' I laughed and hugged her so that I lied over her. 'I might be stupid.. but just stupidly in love with you' we kissed again but before it got too hot she said.' I'll get one week of, wanna do something with me?' 'what about my parents cottage in wales?' I asked. one week in the middle of nowhere with that great girl? I don't wanna say anything but that is definitely going to be hot!

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