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Toms point of view

After running away from some paparazzi's speculating about what I'd bought I came back to find Paula still dressed in my ac/dc shirt sitting next to the piano just staring at it.'Hey' I said standing next to her. She smiled at me and I wanted to kiss her but she stood up just giving me a short(very short) kiss. ( if you can call it like this. More like. Lips on lips.) 'any thing's ok?' I asked confused about what I've obviously done. 'I.. I thought... You know I can't just kiss you, love you after so long.. This.. Needs to grow.. I'm sorry. I definitely feel something for you. I feel something that makes me wanna feel ..you but.. I realized.. We don't really know each other anymore. Could we..'
'grow?' I finished her sentence. I stood in front of her and took her hands(which was more like : I forced her to take mine because you know my broken wrists..)

Suddenly she seemed to be so weak. My other hand(or arm) under her chin ( wasn't that easy I admit) trying to make her look into my eyes. And as she did I couldn't resist but giving her a short kiss. 'I coincide with you. You're absolutely right. And because of that. Go, take a shower or what ever you need to get ready. Max is going to stay at home so we can go living a little adventure, called 'a day with the spectacular , wonderful, funny and by the way famous tom' she giggled.

'Ok?' I whispered. She came closer almost grinning and hugged me. 'Okay!' She said and like a little girl she ran away taking a shower.


We went to the park.today it started to snow and it all looked like a winter paradise/ dream. Our arms intertwined we made our way to a little bench. Sitting together, taking about our lives, what had happened after leaving each other. I have to admit that She totally changed. She smiled and her eyes were like sparkles when she talked about her friends, Lucy, music and anything else. I guess that after that day I'd fallen even harder for her. And then she listened to what I would wanted to say and she looked so exited hen I spoke that I was overwhelmed by her attention. No one ever was so interested in my life(apart from the rest of the world. Paparazzi's and so on) I told her anything about the accident and she told me how max found her and that she played my song..

'What about going out tonight?' I asked. 'Just you and I in a posh restaurant'She smiled. 'Well.. But don't you think it's gonna be strange when I have to feed you and give you every spoon because you can't eat on your own because of your wrists?'She giggled. I rolled my eyes. 'Okaaaay' she finally said. 'But..!' I looked at her. ' a posh restaurant ? Theeen I need a new dress' she said. I rolled my eyes again. 'So we have to go so that I can call Joanna to go shopping with her!' She said with a huge grin on her face. I rolled my eyes for a third time. And we went back to my apartment.

After she called Lucy ( she wanted to stay with her friend for another night) she said goo bye and left to meet Joanna.

Paula's point of view

' tell me!'
' so you know I had this presentation for my further university- career and then there was max who saw me and who was looking for a piano player to join toms band because he got involved in an an accident and so his wrists are broken and then max talked to me and we went to tom and I was totally freaking out inside seeing him again because you know I'm bit good at this and the I left because he was kind of rude but he followed me and them I almost fell and he held me and then we kissed for ages and then we went back to tom and max' and then we ate biscuits to 'celebrate' anything and we went out and there was josh who joined us and then I stayed the night and NO stop looking like this we DIDN'T have sex what are you thinking!? And then I woke up and then max caught a cold so tom bought him some cough syrup and we both went out and now he wants to go out with me tonight in a posh restaurant and I said I need to buy a new dress so I called you because I know that Kure the only one I could buy a dress with.'

I started breathing again and Joanna just hugged me. 'Im so happy because of you being so successful in every way' she whispered. 'Oh joanna..' 'And now we'll find THE dress to impress tom even more with your beauty, darling' she took my hand and so we went down the street stopping in front of almost every window admiring the beautiful dresses .

what do you think?
What should happen next?
I hope you like it (: and thanks for reading!!

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