Hanahaki Dreams - °Lovesick!Tord X Tom°

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Requested by: WingDingsSansGaster

This one is gonna be fun to write, so here I go-


3rd Person POV:

Tord was fighting with Tom over something stupid that he did. He can't even remember what he did wrong, but he was more focused on Tom. Tom seemed really upset and offended by what he said, and Tom soon punched Tord in the face. "Don't talk shit unless you know shit!" Tom yelled, turning away from Tord and storming out of the room.

Tord felt his stomach hurt as a blue petal escaped his mouth. He quickly stood up and rushed into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. He puked blue roses and blood, feeling lightheaded. After he finished coughing all of the blue roses up, he looked in the mirror.

"Damn, he actually hit me this time. What did I say that was that hurtful?" Tord asked himself, inspecting the side of his face that had a red mark. "Yeah, that's gonna bruise." He said, trying to forget about his disease. He walked out of the bathroom and passed by Tom, who looked at Tord apologetically. Tord looked away from Tom and sighed, walking into his room and shutting the door.

He shook his head and laid down on his bed, reading some hentai. His stomach hurt really bad, which must've meant that his disease was getting worse. "What if I die before... he..." Tord muttered to himself. "I'm not r-ready to die..." Tord shook his head and tried to look at the hentai in his book.

"Whatever. If it happens, it happens. What am I supposed to do about it...?" Tord asked himself. He obviously was too distracted to read his book, so he closed it and set it on the floor. His bedroom door opened a crack, Tom peering in.

"...Okay, my day just keeps getting better and better." Tord spoke sarcastically and facepalmed. "Look, I'm sorry about hitting you. I can't believe that I got so mad over... a-a pineapple pizza..." Tom ranted. Tord started to laugh and smile. "What's all that for?" Tom questioned, puffing his cheeks out and pouting.

Unconsciously, Tord answered him. "Dude, you're so cute!" "...Did you just call me 'cute'?!" "...Uhm... no?" Tord blushed and looked away, his stomach hurting again. Tom blushed and looked away, scratching the back of his neck. "W-wow, okay then..." He commented.

Tord hid his face inside his sweater when the roses started to come out of his mouth. The blood soaked through his red hoodie, but it didn't show too much because of the hoodie's color. Tom noticed that Tord was making weird noises, so he looked at him.

"...Are you okay over there?" Tom asked. Tord nodded, not being able to say anything. He soon finished and pretended like there weren't any flowers in his sweater. Tord wiped his mouth with his sleeve, letting a few petals fall onto the ground next to him. Tom wouldn't know what was going on, right?

Tom watched as the petals drifted to the floor. "You're... eating flowers?" Tom inquired, cocking a brow. Tord didn't know how to answer, so he simply nodded. Tom went over and picked a petal up, inspecting it. There was a bit of blood on it, and Tord sweat-dropped. "Hmm. Bloody flower petals... I feel like I know this from somewhere..." Tom murmured to himself, walking out of the room with the petal in his hand. Tord tried not to over-think it, so he closed his eyes and attempted to fall asleep.

- Time Skip -

Tord awoke when it was still dark out. He kicked his legs over the side of his bed and jumped off. After emptying the flowers from his hoodie, he headed into the living-room to see Tom sitting on the couch. He had a few empty bottles of Smirnoff next to him, and he looked like he felt a mix between confusion and being flustered. Tord sat next to Tom and made a small smile.

"Uhm... hi? You sorta look dead inside..." Tord said quietly, remembering that it was probably late night. Matt and Edd were probably fast asleep, maybe Edd was still awake somewhere. Tom looked at Tord and blushed deeply, suddenly grabbing onto Tord's shoulders.

"Tord... why didn't you tell me?" Tom said without context. Tord blushed and his eyes widened from Tom's behavior. "Tell you 'bout what?" He chirped. Tears started to form in Tom's eyes(?). "Tord, stop playing dumb. I just decided to look up why you were messing with those flowers because it was weird... a-and... Tord... I-I do love you!" Tom confessed, flinching afterwards as if Tord was about to hit him.

The pain in Tord's stomach faded away after Tom said that. "W-w-what?" Tord said, stunned. "The disease you had... did I save you? I wanted to wait longer to confess... but... I don't want you to die before I have the chance!" Tom explained. Tord smirked, leaning closer to Tom and kissing him with his rough, chapped lips. Tom slightly gasped, but he soon kissed back.

Tord wrapped his arms around Tom's waist and Tom's arms came around Tord's neck. After a few moments longer, Tord pulled away. "...How did any of this happen?" He said under his fast-paced breath, gazing at Tom lovingly. Tom shyly looked away from Tord.

"I'm not sure, to be honest. It's been... crazy... both of us wanting to be together but not saying anything..." "Tom, for once, let's go get drunk." "I'd never reject an invite to get hammered, count me in." Tom and Tord left the house and entered the nearest bar. They drank throughout the night, still in the bar when the sun rose.

(I dunno this sucks and I'm so tired that I can't keep my eyes open for too long UGH)

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