Nail polish - °JoanMatilda°

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Art by Glossomer on the Eddsworld Amino!


3rd Person POV:

Joan got her phone out, deciding to send Matilda a funny text. She hummed as she thought about what she could type, then thought of something.

"Hey, you should come over."

Joan snickered, knowing that Matilda would most likely reply with an excuse of some sort. Soon enough, she got a response.

"Ughhh, I'm kinda tired right now."

"The girls aren't home tho ;)"

She laughed when she got an almost instant reply. Matilda must've fallen for her trap, she assumed.

"I'll be there in 5."

"Okay <3."

Joan sat up, tossing her phone aside. She was happy to see her girlfriend, and she wondered what the ginger would have in store for her today. She hopped off of her bed and exited her bedroom, going to the front door.

As if on cue, a series of knocks pounded on the door. Joan opened the door, smiling brightly when she saw that it was Matilda. She noticed that Matilda was holding a box, causing her to quirk a brow. "What's that for?" She asked, looking curiously at the brown box. Matilda gave her a smug look and held the box closer to her chest. "It's a surprise~." She told the shorter female, entering the house. Joan rolled her eyes, still smiling at the taller female.

She shut and locked the door before following Matilda over to her room. When Matilda got there, she sat on Joan's bed. Joan sat next to her, close enough for their shoulders to touch. "So, Tilly, what's in the mystery box?" Matilda decided that it was a good time to show her lover what she'd recently bought. She opened the box, then placed it onto Joan's lap. Joan inspected the supplies within the box, letting out a gasp.

"N-nail polish?!" Joan stuttered, looking up at Matilda confusedly. "Mhm! I thought that we could paint our nails together!" Matilda chirped, taking a container of blue nail polish out of the box. "I got this one for you! Because, y'know, you like the color blue." The ginger added. Joan's face reddened, and she shyly looked away as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"I don't know about this, Tilly. I-I don't ever... use nail polish..." The shy girl then started to fiddle with her fingers, still avoiding Matilda's gaze. Matilda wrapped an arm around Joan, side-hugging the female. "Joanie, c'mon! You never wear jewelry either!" Joan brought her gaze back to Matilda, still a bit unsure. Matilda flashed her a small grin, tilting her head slightly.

"W-well... I mean... alright..." Joan finally accepted the offer, giving Matilda a small nod. "B-but... I don't know how to do it..." Matilda was shocked by that. "What?! You've never used nail polish?!" "I-I tried once, but I'm always scared that Ellana will judge me or something..." Matilda frowned. "Why is it Ellana's problem?" "I don't know, she just makes a big fuss out of small things sometimes... but, I'm sure that she doesn't mean to harm me!"

Matilda watched her lover, a concerned look on her face. "...Are you completely sure?" "Yeah! Ellana's just... something. She doesn't know how to react to her feelings! I mean... she's been my friend ever since high school... and a bit of middle school." Joan realized that she was rambling, so she changed the subject.

"Anyway, can you... u-uhm... paint my nails for me until I learn how to do it myself?" Joan asked. Matilda opened the container of blue nail polish and nodded. "Of course, Joanie! Here, give me your hand," Joan stretched her arm out toward Matilda, letting the ginger take her hand. Matilda used the top part of the nail polish container, the brush, to get some nail polish onto one of Joan's nails.

Joan watched, hoping that she wasn't being a bother. Matilda became focused, and she ended up painting every nail on Joan's hand. When she finished, she let go of Joan's hand and sighed happily. "Okay, just make sure that you don't touch anything with your nails for a while. Should I paint the nails on your other hand too?" Joan thought about it for a moment.

"Yeah, I'm not sure how to-" Before Joan could finish her sentence, Matilda started painting the nails on her other hand. Joan giggled and smiled at her lover, letting her do her thing.

Once that hand was finished, Matilda started painting her own nails with some purple nail polish. Joan hummed a tune as she watched Matilda, blowing onto her nails as an attempt to help them dry faster. When Matilda finished with her own nails, she blowed on them too. "This might take a while. What should we do while we wait?" Matilda queried. Joan thought of things they could do, finding a good idea.

"Wanna play 'two truths and a lie'?" Matilda shrugged her shoulders. "That sounds pretty fun."

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