Hurts Like Hell - Eduardo X Depressed!Hurt!Jon

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Requested by: WingDingsSansGaster

The pic lmao


3rd Person POV:

Jon opened his eyes and covered them afterwards. There was a light above him, and it was too bright. "...Jon?" He heard someone say. He sat up, feeling pain in his chest. He wasn't expecting to get tackled into a hug.

"Jon, what the hell was that?!" "...W-what?" "You nearly died, dumbass!" Jon squinted his eyes and looked to see who was talking to him. It was Eduardo, who was currently squeezing Jon too tight. "E-Eduardo, I can't breathe... and my chest hurts..." Jon whined. Eduardo released Jon and wiped his eyes. "Are you crying?" Jon asked. "Jon, I-I don't cry." Eduardo mumbled and turned away. "...Okay..."

Mark came into the room and awkwardly patted Jon's shoulder. "Nice to see you again?" "Uhm... you too, Mark." Jon and Mark stared at eachother until Eduardo came in between them. "Mark, you were talking to the doc?" Eduardo changed the subject. "Oh, right. Jon can leave now, but he can't exercise too much. He has to have his bandages changed often so that he doesn't get an infection." Mark explained.

Jon looked down at his hands and fidgeted with them. 'I must be such a burden...' He thought to himself, frowning. "Jon? We're going home." Eduardo called out, leaving the room. Jon kicked his legs over the side of the hospital bed and ran out of the room. "W-wait for me!" Jon said loudly, running over to Eduardo.

"Jon, you're not supposed to run..." Eduardo mumbled, grabbing Jon's arm. He pulled Jon all the way to their new car. "Mark, why did we even get this car?" "...Just get in. Our neighbors somehow found my phone number, and they said that they have some extra apartment rooms. They want us to have them." Mark and Eduardo chatted about the apartments while Jon hopped into the backseat of the car. He put his seatbelt on and became lost in thought.

Jon's POV:

I leaned my head against the car window, hearing Mark and Eduardo's muffled voices. 'It was really nice of our neighbors to get us those rooms... does this mean that I have my own room now?' I sighed and peered out of the window, looking at Eduardo. 'At least I won't be in his way anymore. He probably hates me... I'm just a chore to have around...' Eduardo and Mark entered the car, laughing.

"You should've seen her stupid face, it was hilarious!" Eduardo said. "That is... wow." Mark replied. I felt left out, but it's fine. '...I wonder what they're talking about...' The car started moving, and we soon entered the parking lot of the apartment building. "What? Say that again?" Mark said, on his phone with Edd. We all exited the car and got into the building, following Mark.

"Okay, cool. Thanks... I guess..." Mark responded, ending the call. Eduardo and I walked behind Mark as he led us to our new homes. "I'm in 105, I already called dibs. Eduardo, you can have 106. Jon, you'll have 107." Mark spoke. I nodded, but Eduardo wanted to be sassy. "Actually, I'll have 107." He said. "...Okay." Mark shrugged and opened a door. He handed Eduardo and I some keys. "Uh... bye." He muttered, entering his apartment.

Eduardo and I went into our apartments, and I felt lonely. I locked the door and took mental notes about where I would put things. 'I could buy a couch... wait... I don't have any money!' I started freaking out, sliding down onto the floor. 'Am I gonna have to get a job?' I pulled my knees onto my chest and rested my head on them. "Everything's different..." I muttered to myself. 'I guess I'm sleeping on the floor tonight...'

Eduardo's POV:

I sat on my new couch while playing my new game on my new PS4. "This is awesome!" I shouted, happy to have my own place. I felt a bit guilty. 'I just left Jon alone... he's probably broke too... meh. I didn't know that Uncharted 4 was so much fun!' I got sucked into the game, loving every second of it. The storyline, the characters, the gameplay; it enchanted me. I heard soft knocking at my door, so I paused the game and set the controller down.

"Ugh, c'mon..." I got up and opened the door, revealing Jon. "H-hi..." Jon stuttered quietly, waving. "...Hi?" I replied. "Can I... stay h-here for a bit?" Jon stammered, making puppy eyes at me. I would've said 'nah, fuck off', but I couldn't resist against his puppy eyes. "F-fine." I moved out of the doorway and Jon ran in. "Jon, no running." "But... I feel so hyper! I've been in bed for a long time, right?" I facepalmed, but I smiled anyways.

"Just... don't hurt yourself." I decided. Jon smiled cutely and went on a tour around my apartment. '...Did I just call him cute?' I sat on the couch and continued playing on my PS4, blushing. 'I bet Mark's reading some shitty book right now.' I thought to myself, making me chuckle. 'Did I just laugh at my own joke? I need to get more friends...'

"Eduardo, I thought of a new nickname for you!" Jon yelled excitedly, sitting onto the couch next to me. "...Why?" "Because I wanted to! I'm gonna call you 'Eduardy' from now on!" "What?! That sounds so gay!" "...Gay?" I facepalmed again. "When two boys like eachother?" "I like you! Are we gay?" "J-Jon, n-no!" I blushed madly and Jon tilted his head. "J-Jon, gay means like... two guys like eachother, in a romantic sorta way. They k-kiss and stuff..." I explained further. Jon's face reddened and he looked away. "O-oh..."

'Did he blush out of embarrassment or...?' "...I'm still calling you Eduardy..." Jon whispered, crossing his arms. I didn't even try to argue with him, mostly because I was still a blushing mess. I picked my PS4 controller up and continued playing. I peeked at Jon, and he seemed upset about something. "What's up with you?" I asked, pausing my game.

"I heard Mark say a response to that once! He said, 'Well, you make me high.'" Jon responded. I laughed, but I wanted a real answer. "Are you hiding something?" I questioned. "N-no, I'm not hiding anything. Why do you ask?" "You've been sad ever since you woke up. Why is that?" Jon looked down at his hands.

"Eduardo... do you hate me?" "...What?" "I feel like I'm just a... b-burden..." Jon sniffled and turned his head away from me. The blush on my face faded away. 'Where did he get that junk?' I put my hand on his shoulder and he turned to face me. "Jon, where did you get that idea?" "I'm always getting myself into situations that you guys have to d-deal with..." Jon started crying, and he hugged my arm.

"...How long have you felt this way?" I inquired. Jon didn't answer my question. I used my other arm to pat his head, which he flinched at. He soon leaned his head onto my hand, and I stopped patting. I blushed and used my thumb to play with his hair. "Jon, you aren't a burden. I have no clue where you found that, but... you could've told me how you felt..." Jon slightly nodded and closed his eyes. "...Eduardy..." He whispered, looking comfortable.

I took my hand out of his hair and grabbed my PS4 controller. He whined, and I moved my other hand to hold the controller too. He still clung onto my arm while I played Uncharted 4. "We'll get your bandages changed soon, alright?" I told him. He nodded and laid his head on my shoulder. I listened to his soft snoring as my character in the video game shot people in the face.

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